Set (68) - He’s only a freeloader

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (68) - He’s only a freeloader


Jerry: Paul certainly deserves credit for the work he did on the project.

Peter: No he doesn’t! He’s only a freeloader - He doesn’t know the first thing about diagrams but he’s very good at talking big.

Jerry: A free rider!

Peter: Never mind him; I’ll put him in his place. I know how to hit him where it hurts and I know well which side his bread is buttered.

Jerry: How do you mean? What will you do?

Peter: You’ll see when the time’s ripe!


Deserves credit for: to be owed recognition for doing something.

A freeloader: a person who has the advantage of something given, such as money, food, or a place to stay, without offering anything in exchange.

Not to know the first thing about: to know nothing about.

Talk big: talk boastfully or overconfidently.

A free rider: a person or company that gets an advantage without paying for it or earning it.

Put someone in his place: To humble or lower the dignity of one.

Hit someone where it hurts: To attack one in the area that is most vulnerable or that will result in the most harm. (Usually does not refer to physical violence).

Know which side one’s bread is buttered: know what to do.

How do you mean? used for asking someone to explain what they have said

Time is ripe: when it is the suitable time.


Fill in the gaps with the correct phrases;

deserves credit for

a freeloader

not to know the first thing about

talk big

a free rider

time is ripe

put someone in his place

hit someone where it hurts

know which side one’s bread is buttered

how do you mean

a. We are unlikely to deliver the project on time as long as .......... outnumber us.

b. Doctors .......... switching to cheaper, but equally effective drugs

c. Leave these little alone for heaven’s sake! You .......... farming.

d. He has some deep need to .........., but it's just talk — no action.

e. Jerry always helps out his boss; he ..........

f. He's always worrying about his weight, so if you want to .........., tell him he's looking a bit fat

g. ’She wasn’t at all like I expected.’ ’..........?’

h. With prices so low, the .......... to buy up real estate in the city.

i. His quips at the party aimed to .......... the CEO ..........

j. We should take care of the people in need, but not the ..........