Set (17) - It seems to have vanished into thin air!

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (17) - It seems to have vanished into thin air!


John: Can’t you wipe those crumbs from your mouth? You’re turning my stomach!

Tom: Oops, sorry!

John: You know what? The children are up to something. They keep sneaking into and out the kitchen every now and then. I’m starting to smell a rat.

Tom: Alright, I’ll go and take a look.

John: OMG. Where is my wallet? Tom; leave the kids alone and come back.

Tom: What’s wrong with you.

John: My wallet disappeared. It was beside the television. I’ve searched for it everywhere but it seems to have vanished into thin air!


Turn one’s stomach: To cause one to become nauseated or disgusted.

To be up to something: doing something wrong or secret.

Sneak into; To enter some place in a quiet, sneaky, inconspicuous manner.

Sneak out: to leave furtively and stealthily.

Every now and then: from time to time; occasionally.

Smell a rat: to begin to suspect trickery or deception.

OMG: used to express surprise, excitement, disbelief, etc.

Leave someone alone: to refrain from disturbing or interfering with someone.

Vanish into thin air: to disappear suddenly and completely.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions;

turn one’s stomach

to be up to something

sneak into

sneak out

every now and then

smell a rat


leave someone alone

vanish into thin air

a. ..........! If my parents find out they will go mad!

b. When he died, investigators were called in and soon ..........

c. The sight of Joe eating raw fish is enough to ..........

d. She'll manage very well if you just ..........

e. To everyone’s complete surprise, in a few minutes the ship ..........

f. Steve’s putting on a smile. I bet he’s ..........

g. The burglar .......... without making a sound.

h. The lecture was boring and many students ..........

i. We still meet for lunch .........., but not as often as we used to.