Set (40) - Our company is footing the bill

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (40) - Our company is footing the bill


Martin: Here is some spending/pocket money from your mother for your trip.

Charles: Thanks! Our company is footing the bill for everything anyway.

I was also elected to speak on behalf of our department.

Martin: Big Deal! Sounds like you’re on the winning streak these days.

Charles: A pay raise is also on the horizon. How about your transfer?

Martin: It’s up in the air. To my bad luck the sales are going to the dogs.

Charles: Well; I heard from my sources that your boss is gonna leaving. So rest assured that a breakthrough is coming up.


Spending money: money available to be spent on pleasures and entertainment.

Foot the bill: to pay the bill for something

Big Deal!: said when you do not think that what someone has said or done is important or special.

Winning streak: a series of victories, successes, or instances of good fortune.

On the horizon: imminent or just becoming apparent.

Up in the air: uncertain; subject to change.

Go to the dogs: to deteriorate or go awry.

Rest assured: To be certain or confident (about something).

Breakthrough: (noun) an important development or achievement.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions;

pocket money

foot the bill

big deal

winning streak

on the horizon

up in the air

go to the dogs

rest assured


a. You can .......... that we will do everything we can to get your money back.

b. The average amount of .......... received by teenagers fell to £4 a week.

c. Police believe the items are a major .......... in the six-week-old inquiry.

d. A. “I will be the one in charge for the last quarter”. B. “..........!”

e. Many analysts warned that an economic crash was .........., but none of the world's governments paid any mind.

f. This firm has .......... since the new management took over.

g. The proposal to build a golf course next to the airport is still ..........

h. We've finally started having a bit of a .......... with our latest products.

i. Don't be angry, I will .......... for damage to your car.