Set (41) - You’re fiddling while Rome burns

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (41) - You’re fiddling while Rome burns


Martin: Jessie; for your information; you’re fiddling while Rome burns. You were put in charge of the whole event.

Jessie: weren’t I? How come? Why didn’t they inform me earlier. There’re only three days left. We’re so pressed for time. Sounds like I’m always destined to race against time to get things done.

Martin: Stop moaning and let’s get our priorities right—first things first.

Jessie: Then; you have to put forth a plan for the rules of procedure. In the meantime; I will set up a teamwork.


For your information: So you know or are aware of something.

Fiddle while Rome burns: To take little to no productive action during a crisis.

In charge of: in control or with overall responsibility.

Pressed for time: Having a small or limited amount of time available; in a hurry.

Race against time: to hurry to beat a deadline.

First things first: important matters should be dealt with before other things.

Put forth: to suggest.

In the meantime: while something else is happening.

Set up: to organize or plan something such as an event or system.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions;

for your information

fiddle while Rome burns

in charge of

pressed for time

race against time

first things first

put forth

in the meantime    

set up

a. I know we have a lot to discuss, but .......... — has anyone heard back from the printer?

b. This scientist has.......... a new theory in his research field

c. The lobbyists don't seem to be doing anything to stop this tax bill. They're ..........

d. You are not .......... the universe; you are in charge of yourself.

e. When you're .......... and need to look stylish, black will always save the day.

f. The mountaineers .......... their base camp at the foot of the mountain.

g. The doctor will be here soon .........., try and relax.

h. Jen's going to have to .......... if she wants to get her story in tomorrow's newspaper — it's almost time to send it to the publisher!

i. ..........., I've worked as a journalist for six years. I know this stuff inside out.