Set (56) - The sunshine today is just the ticket

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (56) - The sunshine today is just the ticket


Sally: The sunshine today is just the ticket! Right? You’re totally lost on thought!

Kevin: I’m thinking how we lost the match by a hair!

Sally: The other guys simply played well and won fair and square. Your team are used to painting themselves into a corner. By the way; I heard the coach is gonna leave.

Kevin: Not on my watch! This won’t take place even if it is the last thing I do. You mark my words

Sally: And for the record; you’ve been fired as well.

Kevin: What? They will pay for it! I’ll definitely cut my nose to spite my face!


Lost in thought: absent-minded; showing a forgetful or inattentive disposition.

Just the ticket: exactly what is needed; exactly right.

By a hair: by an extremely short or slim margin (of distance, time, etc.).

Paint oneself into a corner: Get oneself into a difficulty from which one can't extricate oneself.

Not on my watch: That will not happen while I am in charge or on the lookout.

Mark one’s words: tell someone about something that you are certain will happen in the future.

Take place: to happen; to occur.

For the record: so that the true facts are recorded or known.

Cut one’s nose to spite one’s face: to use self-destructive means in an attempt to solve a problem or fix a situation.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions;

lost in thought

just the ticket

by a hair

paint oneself into a corner

not on my watch

mark one’s words

take place

for the record

cut one’s nose to spite one’s face

a. You can refuse to talk to her if you like, but you're just ..........

b. The race was neck and neck till the very end, but Sally won it ..........

c. The discussion .......... in a famous villa on the lake's shore.

d. I really .......... by leaving this essay till the last minute!

e. You're going to dig a hole in the yard? ..........!

f. ..........., it was she who approached me about such a deal, not the other way around.

g. This van is .......... for carrying all our luggage

h. It's no use trying to talk to Helen when she's .......... like that; it's as if we don't even exist!

i. They're going to regret firing me, you ..........!