Set (20) - It’s worth giving it your best shot!

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (20) - It’s worth giving it your best shot!


David: This day is a big day for me. I’ve been assigned to give a speech on behalf of our company in front of the minister.

Michael: I bet you’re ill at ease already.

David: No, not at all. I’ve been used to giving talks since university days. It’s a breeze for me. I’ve never messed things up when it comes to speaking in public.

Michael: Lucky you. I would have think twice before I could take on such a tough task.

David: I truly bank on this great opportunity to get a promotion.

Michael: Then, it’s worth giving it your best shot!


Assigned to: to designate someone as responsible for doing something.

On behalf of: as a representative of or a proxy for.

Ill at ease: (adj) uncomfortable or embarrassed.

Be used to something/doing something: to be familiar with a condition or activity.

A breeze: a thing that is easy to do or accomplish.

Mess up: to do something badly; to mishandle a situation.

Think twice: consider a course of action carefully before embarking on it.

Bank on: to rely on confidently.

Give it one’s best shot: do the best that one can.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions;

assigned to

on behalf of

ill at ease

be used to something/doing something

a breeze

mess up

think twice

bank on

give it one’s best shot

a. Don't think that learning Dutch or any other language will be ..........

b. I'm usually .......... when addressing a large crowd of people.

c. An experienced detective was .......... the case.

d. Never mind me! I .......... having my sleep interrupted.

e. Henry .........., but the board still denied his proposal.

f. A previous divorce can make you .......... about getting married again.

g. .......... my client, I would like to remind you of your obligations in this matter.

h. You can .......... him to hand you a reasonable bill for your services.

i. If you cancel now you'll .......... all my arrangements.