Set (96) - Stop milking it for heaven’s sake!

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (96) - Stop milking it for heaven’s sake!


Jessie: I bent over backwards for you, and you showed no thanks!

Jane: Did you? I wonder when will you grow out of your wheeling and dealing?

Jessie: You insist on your being ungrateful! I went out of my way to take care of you while you were sick!

Jane: Stop milking it for heaven’s sake! How many time should I return this favor?

Jessie: Come on! All I need is attention and recognition.

Jane: Well; I’ll make it up for you. But I’m against the concept of you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours!


Bend over backwards: to work very hard to accomplish something.

Grow out of: become too mature to retain (a childish habit).

Wheel and deal: to operate or manipulate for one's own interest.

Go out of one’s way: to try especially hard to do something good or helpful.

Milk it: to try to get as much of something from someone else.

Make it up: to do something good for someone you have upset, in order to become friends with them again.

You scratch my back and I scratch yours: used to tell someone that if they help you, you will help them.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrases:

bend over backwards

grow out of

wheel and deal

go out of one’s way

milk it

make it up

you scratch my back and I scratch yours

a. The entire staff really needs to .......... while the CEO is visiting our office.

b. They found a little bit of celebrity when their book was published a couple years ago, and they've been .......... ever since.

c. I'm sorry I missed your game. How about .......... to you with some ice cream?

d. Thanks for the file. Here’s your money — .........., remember?

e. I thought she would have .......... temper tantrums by now.

f. You need to thank Monica—she really .......... to get you this job interview.

g. You need to cool it with the .......... and just let the process work as it is supposed to. You'll be judged on your qualifications, not who you know.