Set (85) - Enough of these prompt replies!

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (85) - Enough of these prompt replies!


David: Look, Tom, everything is going fine here - don't rock the boat!

Tom: As if I was the only one here! Why don’t talk to those spoiled brats?

David: Enough of these prompt replies! Remember! A still tongue makes a wise head.

Tom: Let’s put our cards on the table - I’m truly fed up because of this double standard treatment.

David: Cut it out! You’re a true pain in the neck! What did you just say?

Tom: I was saying I had to drop the matter, anyway!


Rock the boat: to do or say something that might endanger a stable situation or upset the status quo.

Spoiled brats: badly-behaved children.

Prompt reply: quick answers.

A still tongue makes a wise head: It is much wiser to speak only when it is appropriate.

Double standard: a rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups.

Cut it out: stop doing this.

A pain in the neck: someone or something that is very annoying.

Drop the matter: to cease discussing or dwelling upon something.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrases:

rock the boat

spoiled brat

prompt reply

a still tongue makes a wise head

double standard

cut it out

a pain in the neck

drop the matter

a. He behaved like a .........., his power unchecked and uncontrolled.

b. I would appreciate a .......... so that I can take action immediately.

c. Writing long essays on uninteresting topics is ..........

d. Look, we can't afford a new car right now, so just let the .......... already!

e. Sue: “Why, I think you have a crush on Mary!” Tom: “..........!”

f. She argued that society applies a .......... in dealing with women who commit adultery.

g. She was told to keep her mouth shut and not ..........

h. Don't chatter about whatever comes to your mind ...........