Set (93) - Put your best foot forward

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (93) - Put your best foot forward


Thomas: I wonder if I can get my own car before I lose my head! I’ve had enough of these irritating jam-packed buses.

Martin: I told you over and over to start your own business, do your best to make a go of it and rest assured you will be on easy street.

Thomas: Yeah; I need some guts! I’m fed up with the dog’s life - Why don’t you become my partner?

Martin: Excuse me Thomas! You’ve got commitment issue - Simply you can’t stick to your guns! I will say it boldly; you’re a quitter! You just end up on skid row!

Thomas: This time is different! It’s going to be the turning point in my life.

Martin: Then; put your best foot forward.


Lose one’s head: to lose one's composure and act emotionally or irrationally.

Jam-packed: overcrowded; full.

Make a go of: to attempt to achieve success with something.

On easy street: having a pleasant, secure life.

A dog’s life: a life that is difficult, unpleasant, or boring.

Stick to one’s guns: refuse to compromise or change.

Turning point: a time at which a decisive change in a situation occurs, especially one with beneficial results.

On skid row: a life marked by poverty and squalid circumstances.

Put your best foot forward: embark on an undertaking with as much effort and determination as possible.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrases:

lose one’s head


make a go of

on easy street

dog’s life

stick to one’s guns

turning point

put one’s best foot forward   

on skid row

a. The box office success of his first movie put him and his family ..........

b. It's amazing that, after nearly five years .........., he's now one of the biggest names in show business.

c. Winning that game was the .......... of the team's season.

d. You whipper-snappers think you've got a bright future ahead of you, but it's a .........., I tell you!

e. I really admire Jess for .......... during college, and not submitting to the peer pressure of those around her to drink or do drugs.

f. You really need to .......... in the interview if you want to get this job.

g. You need to calm down before you talk to Larry. You don't want to .......... before finding out his side of the story.

h. His room was .......... with fruit, flowers, gifts and posters.

i. She was determined to .......... her programming business.