Set (53) - Just what the doctor ordered

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (53) - Just what the doctor ordered


Chris: How is the new course going?

Diana: Just what the doctor ordered. The teacher is competent and I’m making a lot of progress. How about yours?

Chris: So far I can’t complain. But the content doesn’t measure up to my expectations.

Diana: Don’t be too critical! You were dying to apply for it. I know you’re going to end up making a fool out of yourself as usual. Look! unless you pick something and stick with it, you’ll never hit the jackpot.

Chris: Easy on me Diana - I’ll get the ball rolling, anyhow.


Just what the doctor ordered: exactly what is wanted or needed.

Make progress: to move forward in one's work or activity; to develop or improve.

Can’t complain: Things are fine. A casual response to questions like "How are you?" or "How've you been?"

Measure up: to meet a particular requirement, standard, or expectation.

Not make a fool of oneself: To do something that makes someone or oneself seem stupid or ridiculous.

Stick with: to persevere or continue with.

Hit the jackpot: to have a big success.

Get the ball rolling: set an activity in motion; make a start.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions;

just what the doctor ordered

make progress

can’t complain

measure up

not make a fool of oneself

stick with

hit the jackpot

get the ball rolling

a. A short nap is .......... You'll feel refreshed in no time.

b. A. “How are things?”. B. “I .........., it can’t be better”.

c. He said that he was going to .......... the traditions established by his grandfather.

d. We have no more time to waste. Let’s ..........

e. I'm not going to dance too much at the party because I don't want to .......... in front of my coworkers.

f. I went through all the people called Lasalles in the Sydney phone book until I ..........

g. The medical community continues to .......... in the fight against cancer.

h. This meal doesn't .......... to my expectations.