Set (75) - Can’t you put it off?

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (75) - Can’t you put it off?


Clare: Hey Mark! I just wanted to have a word with you before you’re off.

Mark: I’m really pressed for time. Can’t you put it off?

Clare: Please Mark! I won’t hold you up. It really can’t wait! Well;

Jessie is inquiring about the position you told her about.

Mark: Tell her not hold your breath in the short run. It would be much better if she takes matters into her own hands and searches for another job.

Clare: Yeah; she wants me to ask you what should she take up?

Mark: Well, I’ll look into it when I’m available. Please, don’t hold me back anymore. I need to dash.


Have a word: speak briefly to someone.

Off: to leave a place.

Put something off: to delay; to postpone.

Hold up: to delay; to postpone.

Something can’t wait: to be urgent.

Hold one’s breath: to wait for something specific to happen.

Take matters into one’s own hands: to deal with a problem yourself.

Take up: begin an activity.

Look into something: to investigate; to check.

Hold someone back: to restrain people from moving forward.

Dash: to run or travel somewhere in a great hurry.


Fill in the gaps with the correct phrases;

have a word


put off

hold up something can’t wait

take matters into one’s own hands

look into

hold back

hold one’s breath


take up

a. I'll .......... doing the laundry until tomorrow. I must talk to her about this.

b. Supposedly loyal workers suddenly upped and .......... to the new firms

c. At the scene of the fire all .......... towards the exit.

d. The electrician said he'd be here before noon, but I won't ..........

e. She .......... tennis at the age of 11

f. Your fears are really .......... you .......... in life.

g. When the police failed to catch her son's murderer, she decided to ..........

h. I just .......... with Stu and he said he'll join us tonight.

i. I wrote a letter of complaint, and the airline have promised to .......... the matter.

j. I .......... to see you and the girls—it's been way too long!