Set (74) - He dwells on unnecessary stuff

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (74) - He dwells on unnecessary stuff


Clare: Charles brought it on himself! What do they call the feeling of joy when others suffer?

Mark: Schadenfreude. But don’t be silly - I know he’s a blabbermouth; poor Charles. He’ll have hard feelings about this for a long time because he truly loves Jenny.

Clare: It serves him right, I suppose. He dwells on unnecessary stuff and ends up giving full rein to his mouth.

Mark: The point is Jenny is oversensitive. She couldn’t stand hearing him talking trash.

Clare: Jenny is very kind-hearted and forgives easily but she is fuming right now.

Mark: It’ll blow over anyway.


Bring something on oneself: to cause; to produce.

Schadenfreude: taking pleasure in the misfortune of others.

Blabbermouth: a person who talks excessively or indiscreetly.

Hard feelings: feelings of anger and bitterness.

Dwell on: talk and think about something all the time.

Give full rein to someone/something: to give them a lot of freedom.

Oversensitive: (especially of a person or an instrument) excessively sensitive.

Talk trash: to talk nonsense; to utter complete fabrications.

Fume: to be angry.

Blow over: to end; to pass.


Fill in the gaps with the correct phrases;

bring something on oneself



hard feelings

dwell on


blow over

give full rein to someone/something




a. I'm not sympathetic because he .......... by mismanaging his money.

b. When the winning team saw their rivals saddened by defeat, they felt a sense of ..........

c. John's remarks after the ceremony caused a lot of ..........

d. She didn't have time to .......... her final victory.

e. I'm such a .......... that I couldn't keep the news from friends and coworkers.

f. The scandal will soon .......... if they don’t make a big thing of it.

g. We sat there waiting for him, .......... with anger at the delay.

h. There are too many radio shows featuring idiots who call in and .......... all day.

i. He is .......... - it's difficult to establish a rapport with him.

j. He was .......... manage the project as he wished.