Set (80) - You took the words right out of my mouth!

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (80) - You took the words right out of my mouth!


Mike: This report is too long! It’s has to be boiled down into two pages.

Jackie: You took the words right out of my mouth! I had the same observation.

Mike: Then; the ball is in your court, darling.

Jackie: What do you mean? Why don’t you bring it back to its original owner, Kathy? She claims that she’s a ball of fire. She has got her nose up in the air!

Mike: Kathy pales in comparison to you - you’re literally the backbone of this department.


Boil down: to simplify, summarize, or shorten.

Take the words out of someone’s mouth: say something someone else was going to say

The ball is in someone’s court: to be someone else's move, play, or turn.

A ball of fire: a person full of energy and enthusiasm.

Pale in comparison: to seem less impressive or important when compared to someone or something else.

Backbone: the part of something that makes it successful or strong.


Fill in the gaps with the correct phrases;

boil down


take the words out of someone’s mouth

the ball is in someone’s court

pale in comparison

a ball of fire

a. It's not Daniel's fault the deal isn't finished, he made the last offer ........... Harry’s .......... now

b. The problem .......... to one thing - lack of money.

c. Farming and cattle-raising are the .......... of the country's economy.

d. You .......... my .......... — I think she looks gorgeous, too!

e. I thought I was badly treated but my experiences .......... with yours.

f. I always knew that Lauren would grow up to be successful — she was a real .......... as a kid.