Set (77)- What do you make out of it?

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (77)- What do you make out of it?


David: I'd appreciate your help with that if you can get to it, but don't go out of your way.

Martina: It’s a pleasure to put myself out for you! You’re the one who stimulates me to go the extra mile and never finds fault with me.

David: By the way, Rebecca gave away her possessions! That floored me indeed.

Martina: They say she is out of her mind after losing her son, but I guess that’s an earful. What do you make out of it?

David: Well, let me give her a call and discover the lowdown.

Martina: Yeah, it makes sense to clear up this mystery before it’s too late.


Go out of your way: to make a special effort to do something.

Put someone out: to bother; to inconvenience.

Go the extra mile: to make a special effort to achieve something.

Find fault with someone: to complain; to criticize.

Floor: to baffle (someone) completely; to confuse.

Out of one’s mind: having lost control of one's mental faculties.

Earful: gossip, especially of an intimate or scandalous nature.

Make out of: to interpret, to figure out, to think of.

Lowdown: the true facts or relevant information about something.

Make sense: be intelligible, justifiable, or practicable.

Clear up: to make clear or understandable.


Fill in the gaps with the correct phrases;

go out of one’s way

put someone out

go the extra mile

find fault with someone


out of one’s mind


make out of


make sense

clear up

a. Can you .......... any sense .......... this note that Jeffrey left behind?

b. I can’t judge anything unless you give me the .......... on the situation.

c. It .......... to start saving early for higher education

d. Here is another email from Steven - he wanted to .......... some misconceptions.

e. Pence heard an .......... from senators last week as uncertainty mounted.

f. I was taken off-guard - the question .......... me completely.

g. How could you .......... this project? It met all of the requirements on the rubric.

h. After yet another sleepless night, I'm starting to feel like I'm .......... with exhaustion.

i. Suzy always .......... to make my birthday special.

j. During Sara’s stay in London, Mrs Mott .......... to be courteous to her.

k. Would it .......... too much to let her visit you for a couple of hours?