Set (46) - Appearances are deceiving!

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (46) - Appearances are deceiving!


Suzan: Get a load of that little girl. She’s a true troublemaker.

Jenny: Is she? But she doesn’t look so. As they say appearances are deceiving!

Suzan: She’s not that bad. But she’s spoiled because my uncle gets a kick out of her. She keeps him in stitches.

Jenny: But he shouldn’t give in to all her acts. She’ll eventually go out of control.

Suzan: That’s right! You hit the nail on the head. I said that over and over again but my words fall on deaf ears!


Get a load of: take a look at (to draw attention to someone or something).

Appearances are deceiving: Things can look different from the way they really are.

Spoiled: (adj) (of a person, especially a child) harmed in character by being treated too leniently or indulgently.

Get a kick out of: to get a sense of enjoyment, amusement, or excitement.

In stitches: laughing uncontrollably.

Give in: to finally agree to what someone wants.

Go out of control: no longer possible to manage.

Hit the nail on the head: to describe exactly a situation/ problem.

Over and over again: again and again.

fall on deaf ears: (of a statement or request) be ignored.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions;

get a load of

appearances are deceiving spoiled

get a kick out of

in stitches

give in

go out of control

hit the nail on the head

over and over again

fall on deaf ears

a. Kids are bound to end up .......... if their parents are too easy-going.

b. Her pleas for mercy ..........; the judge gave her the maximum sentence.

c. You've found the problem, Sid! You ..........!

d. I can't stop singing this one verse .......... in my head.

e. ........... George over there. That dude knows how to dress!

f. Jane may look like she doesn't understand you, but she's really extremely bright ..........

g. One seller admits she.......... tricking people.

h. Everyone was frightened to death as the car ..........

i. Here's a book that will have you ..........

j. I don't think he will .......... to your requests if you keep pestering him.