Set (36) - I need to brush up on some of them

Advanced English Conversations - Robert Allans, Ahmet Mustafaoglu, Metin Emir 2019

Set (36) - I need to brush up on some of them


Peter: Let’s back up! Where was I?

Rob: You’re talking about your poems and that you don’t have your notes on you. You’re going to think of it right off-hand. Aren’t you?

Peter: You know what! Sounds like I need to brush up on some of them.

Rob: What? Is it possible that all of them just slipped your mind all at once?

Peter: Come on; Rob! Don’t be silly. I just I can't think of the lines off the top of my head. Give me a break for heaven’s sake!

Rob: Man! You always end up in such awkward positions! That’s what you get out of blowing your own horn!


Back up: to return to an item previously mentioned.

To have on: to carry something on one's person.

Off-hand: Without preparation or forethought; extemporaneously.

Brush up on: to improve one's existing knowledge or skill in a particular area.

Slip one’s mind: to be forgotten.

All at once: suddenly; all at the same time.

Off the top of one’s head: without careful thought or investigation.

Give someone a break: to stop putting pressure on someone about something.

In an awkward position: in a situation or scenario that could prove to be embarrassing or damaging to one's reputation.

Blow one’s own horn: to show off; to brag; to boast.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate expressions;

back up

have on


brush up on

slip one’s mind

all at once

off the top of one’s head

give someone a break

in an awkward position

blow one’s own horn

a. Oh! I can’t afford this now. I don’t.......... enough......... money me.

b. How do you say we backed out of the weekend arrangement without asking me first? Good for you! You’re really brilliant and putting me ..........!

c. He's seven times as quick and he's only 20 years old — .......... me ..........!

d. I'm sorry I didn't call you back sooner, it totally .......... my ..........

e. It's a lot of information to absorb ..........

f. I know of two people who are coming .........., but I'm pretty sure more said they'd be here.

g. I can't quote the exact statistics for you .........., they're in this report.

h. Wait — .......... a little. What did you say that phone number was?

i. It does make sense to .......... my French before I go to Paris.

j. I don't mean to .........., but this pasta sauce I made is quite delicious!