“I worked, waited, and was rewarded” - Parallel bars and balance beams

Booher's Rules of Business Grammar - Dianna Booher 2009

“I worked, waited, and was rewarded”
Parallel bars and balance beams


Politicians can change their viewpoints on issues from decade to decade, or even from day to day, for that matter. But you can’t.


Taxes on small businesses passed from parents to their children have become outrageous, and you shouldn’t have to pay them.

Do you see the problem with the previous statement? The writer starts out talking about small businesses in general (third-person viewpoint), and then switches in mid-sentence to talk to “you,” the reader, directly (second-person viewpoint).

This chart presents the three viewpoints:


With the incorrect sentence given earlier, you can change either the first part or the second part to make the viewpoint consistent:


Taxes on small businesses passed from parents to their children have become outrageous, and business owners shouldn’t have to pay them.

Your taxes on a small business passed down from your parents have become outrageous. You shouldn’t have to pay them.


All vendors should e-mail their invoices, and please attach copies of the work orders.


Please e-mail your invoices, and attach copies of the work orders.

All vendors should e-mail their invoices and attach copies of the work orders.


The clinic will see patients beginning at 2:00; you’ll also need to bring proof of insurance.


The clinic will see patients beginning at 2:00; the clinic staff will also need to see patients’ proof of insurance coverage.

You can schedule an appointment at the clinic or drop by after it opens at 2:00. You’ll also need to bring proof of insurance coverage.


You must schedule weekly staff meetings, and managers also need to participate in regional meetings during the last week of each month.


Managers must schedule weekly staff meetings, and they’ll need to participate in regional meetings during the last week of each month.

You must schedule weekly staff meetings and participate in regional meetings during the last week of each month.

Of course, if you write or speak more than one sentence, you’re probably going to change viewpoints several times. No one will complain about that unless the changes are needless and confusing.

But in general, make up your mind. Either talk to people (you) or about them (he, they, houses, clients, zoos, cars, bazookas) or about yourself (I, we) within a sentence.

Memory tip

Visualize a political “attack” ad that shows clips of the candidate switching his or her viewpoint on an issue. Don’t follow suit. Be consistent.