Reading other flash fiction writers - Short and sweet flash fiction - Short-form genres

Creative writing - Mike Sanders 2014

Reading other flash fiction writers
Short and sweet flash fiction
Short-form genres

Although flash fiction has only recently been identified and labeled as a genre, many celebrated classical writers have produced work that meets all its criteria. Some examples include the very short literary fiction of Anton Chekhov and Ernest Hemingway, or the brief science fiction tales of Ray Bradbury and Arthur C. Clarke.

Writers such as these have withstood the test of time, so for inspiration, begin by reading their flash fiction and then move on to contemporary examples, which you can readily find on the internet or in print anthologies.

Some of the best recent writers and pieces include “Sashimi Cashmere” by Carolyn Forde, “Sleeping” by Katharine Weber, “The Voices in My Head” by Jack Handey, and “Why You Shouldn’t Have Gone in the First Place” by Samantha Schoech.