More FAST to come - And So... - The payoff

Writing FAST - Jeff Bollow 2012

More FAST to come
And So...
The payoff


Life is a challenge. Meet it.


And So...


I can’t believe we made it.

Days of torture. Nights without sleep.

The confusion, the frustration, the insecurity — all leading to the point of exhaustion!

And that’s just you! Imagine how I’ve felt!

(Insert canned laughter here.)

This book started out as a “framework” project.

As I was putting FASTscreenplay together, I realized it needed a systematic approach to writing. A foundation. A backbone. Next thing I know, I’m in the middle of this book, and pulling my hair out.

See, I never intended to write a book.

But the fact that I have, just goes to show you it’s possible. I know me. I know what a challenge this has been for me.

And if I can do this, you can do it, too.

If you were interested enough to find this book — and you’ve read all the way to this point — I guarantee you’ve got what it takes to go a little further, and complete your own projects.

The FAST System was created for you. Not for those people who say they want to write. Not for anyone who starts this book and quits halfway through. And certainly not for the ones that plan to apply it, but never do.

No. It was written for you — that rare 5% that actually does something with it.

And I want to make sure you do something with it.

That’s why I encourage feedback.

It’s why I urge you to take it to the next level — and to help me take it to the next level. I want you to apply the FAST System and give me your real-world reactions to it.

Because the FAST System works. This book is proof of it.

But I know it can work even better.

More FAST to come

I’ll tell you something.

There’s an incredible irony to this book.

It’s a book on writing, but I never wanted to write it.

It’s a book about a system, but I only discovered the system as I was writing the book about the system(!).

It’s a book of advice, but I couldn’t complete it until I followed the advice myself.

A funny thought occurred to me about halfway through:

“I should’ve written this book after I wrote this book!”

That would’ve made much more sense.

And that’s why I consider this an interactive book. Think of it as “The FAST System, Version 1.0.”

Ideas spark ideas. Hopefully mine spark yours. And with feedback, yours can spark mine, too.

If you’re interested, I plan to release future editions of this book. To expand on FAST. To answer unanswered questions. To simplify anything that’s unclear.

So let me know what you think!

Please visit and share your reactions, your thoughts, your discoveries.