The second edition - And So... - The payoff

Writing FAST - Jeff Bollow 2012

The second edition
And So...
The payoff

The book you’re reading now is the official First Edition. I hadn’t planned to release it wide, but here it is.

Originally, the plan was this:

I’d launch Writing FAST as a Limited Edition book available only to subscribers of the newsletter, and to people who happened to stumble across it on the Internet.

The goal was to get feedback on that Limited Edition, and then use that feedback to shape the Second Edition. (I’ve got a ton of my own ideas for the Second Edition, but I want it to reflect what readers want — what you want!)

And then a funny thing happened.

The feedback from that Limited Edition was overwhelmingly positive! Maybe the book was better than I thought?

So, rather than use only my ideas for the Second Edition, I decided to release this First Edition, as is, even wider. To get more people to read it, and to provide feedback.

Look, I don’t just want you to read this book. I want you to use it!

And if you tell me how it might help you better, I can make the Second Edition even more powerful.

But I can’t read your mind.

So by all means, please visit that link above, and send me your thoughts.

How can I improve it? Is there anything that isn’t clear? Anything missing? Has it pushed you to action? If not, what could be added to help you get your work written fast?