The FAST system overview - Meet the FAST system - The setup

Writing FAST - Jeff Bollow 2012

The FAST system overview
Meet the FAST system
The setup

This chapter is the big one. In a few minutes, the way you think about writing is going to change forever.

So I should warn you. Do not drop this book and leap into your writing when you finish this chapter. It’ll be tempting. You’ll want to. But don’t.

Please remember — this is only the final chapter of “The Setup” section. We’re still just beginning! The idea might be clear, but we’re not at the Payoff yet.

In fact, this chapter is only an overview. This book is structured in a very particular way to have a very specific effect.

It’s designed to take you on a journey.

A journey through the FAST System. So that when you finish the book, you’ll do more than just understand it. You’ll feel it. And be able to apply it.

Now I’ve probably hyped this thing way too much. Maybe you’re even skeptical at this point.

But it doesn’t matter. Because you’re about to see it for yourself. Last chapter, we looked at why you hate writing. This chapter, we’ll explode every one of those reasons.

And because of the eye-opening you’re about to have, it will be tempting to think you’ve got it all figured out. Just remember, the rest of the book goes into a lot more detail. And the picture won’t be clear until we’re done.

That’s what good Setup and Payoff is all about.

There. I’ve said my piece. Let’s meet the FAST System.


The FAST system overview

The FAST System is a simple, step-by-step process for breaking any writing project down, and working through it systematically. The FAST System has four distinct phases:


In the Focus phase, you “Focus” your idea into a Plan. You’ll start with a vague notion of what you want to write, and you’ll turn that idea into a specific, detailed, step-by-step roadmap for your writing.

The objective of this phase is to create a writing plan for your project, complete with the specific details you’ll write on each page of the project.

And don’t worry. When you write FAST, Focusing your project will takes hours or days instead of months or years!


In the Apply phase, you “Apply” your Focus Plan. You’ll fill all those blank pages with words as fast as you possibly can, using speed-writing techniques that get you in sync with your brain.

The objective of this phase is to fill pages. Nothing more. But since you’ve Focused your project, you’ll be surprised to discover that your “rough draft” is much more solid than you expected.

This is where you’ll get truly excited about your writing — when you discover the power of FAST.


In the Strengthen phase, you “Strengthen” what you’ve written. You’ll use a very simple approach to see what you’ve got, what to do about it, and exactly how to make it stronger.

The objective of this phase is to make your writing match the ideas you’re trying to express. By Focusing your idea, and Applying the plan, you know where you’re going. Now, you push it there.

If you’re moving systematically through this process, this is where your writing takes on a whole new life.


In the Tweak phase, you “Tweak” your words to have the greatest possible impact. You’ll finally get to judge your writing, and get meticulous with your presentation.

The objective of this phase is to make your work read fast! By waiting to tweak until the very last phase of your writing, you’ll write faster than ever before. And now is your chance to grab and hold your reader.

You finish your entire project quickly and effectively, and your writing is stronger and better than ever.

* * *

And best of all, the FAST System fuels itself — the more you use it, the faster and easier it becomes. So let’s get into it, shall we?