Your focus plan in 5 easy steps - Attach your lightning rod - Focus

Writing FAST - Jeff Bollow 2012

Your focus plan in 5 easy steps
Attach your lightning rod

The Focus Plan is your lightning rod that harnesses your ideas. And you’ll have it after applying these five easy steps.

1. Decide on your end result.

If you start mapping before you know your idea, you’ll end up creating a fragmented piece of writing. So decide on the outcome. Know your idea, and its shape. Then:

2. Determine the page count.

It’s completely arbitrary, and there’s no right or wrong. It can change later. But for now, come up with a number. It’ll get you going, and give you a target to work towards. Once you’ve got it, then:

3. Divide it into chunks.

Broad strokes first. Use your Preview as your guide, and determine the major sections or movements of what you’re writing. If your writing calls for a specific format, use it. Use Setup and Payoff. Then:

4. Flesh out each level’s details.

Break each major section down into smaller sections. Label those. Then break each of those into smaller sections, and label them. All the way down to individual pages. List 2-5 details for each page. You’re “pre-writing.” Take your time. It’s worth it. Then:

5. Add booster areas.

Give yourself areas within the writing to use the electricity you generate during the writing. Plant trigger words that are drawn from your story or your idea.

Don’t be in a rush at this stage. It may seem like you’re actually writing slower by taking all this extra time to map out your idea.

You’re not. You’re actually giving yourself a customized roadmap made especially for you. You can spot problems long before you start writing. And you can even test your ideas on readers to see if they work.