The objective of this phase - Talktation: The new art of speed writing - Apply

Writing FAST - Jeff Bollow 2012

The objective of this phase
Talktation: The new art of speed writing


How do I know what I think until I see what I say?

—E. M. Forster

7 Talktation: The new art of speed writing

I love this part. Ready for some fireworks?

By now, you should have your Focus Plan laid out in front of you. What form it takes is up to you.

For this book, I created an outline on the computer. Each section was a heading, each chapter was a subheading (with page numbers listed next to them), and each segment within each chapter was a sub-subheading.

Then two to five details were listed under each of those.

But you could just as easily sketch it out on paper. Say, one sheet for each chapter. Or you could use a diagram on a whiteboard. Or, if you’re good at drawing, maybe you could do an illustration of the grid?

For me, the outline worked. My Plan was pretty thorough. It changed along the way (they always do), but it also showed me exactly where I was going.

With it, I could stand at that observatory, and look out over the Power Grid. I could see the whole project in my mind, before I ever stepped foot on Page One.

If you haven’t done that Focus Plan, please go back and do it. I want you to feel what I’m feeling.

Because I’ve got this excitement — this electricity — pumping through my veins right now. I’m so excited about writing this chapter, you probably wouldn’t believe it. Really. I feel kinda stupid saying it, but I’m alive with anticipation.

And the reason is simple. I know exactly what I’m going to write, I’m eager to get it on the page, and I know I’ll have it on the page within a couple short hours!

It’s an incredibly empowering feeling. And it’s exactly the feeling I want you to experience. Because I know — I know! — that as soon as you experience it, you’ll dive into everything you ever write.

What seemed like an impossible never-ending chore, has suddenly become enjoyable.

This first segment alone would’ve taken me about an hour to write, the old way. But I’ve just written it in six minutes (with an extra four minutes [make that nine] of tweaking in the Tweak phase). I’m trying to write the rest of the chapter in two hours. I’ll let you know how I do.

And then maybe you’ll feel it, too.

The objective of this phase

Put yourself in a different frame of mind.

Last section was all about creating the Focus Plan. That Plan is a combination Left-brain/Right-brain exercise. You used your Right-brain for some of it. It conjured up the details, and sparked ideas to put into the Power Grid.

But overall, that phase was predominantly Left-brain. You analyzed it. Thought it through. Planned the best way to present your idea. You would create a section heading, and give it a title. And then you’d step back, look at it, squint, and decide to rearrange the sections to make them flow better.

Well, this section is different. This section is as Right-brained as you can get. In fact, the more Right-brained you can make it, the better it will be.

See, you know where you’re going now. The road is clear. Now we race down that road at lightning speed.

A is for Apply.

And the Apply phase is where you apply your plan. You turn that Focus Plan into words.

The objective of this phase is to get your words on the page as fast as humanly possible. In fact, I’m going to emphasize something you think you already understand. But I know for certain, you don’t understand it yet. (I know because I didn’t, either.)

It’s this: The faster you get your words on the page, the better.

Yeah. I know you know that.

But stop nodding your head for a moment. I want you to really take a minute. Ponder that thought.

Truly grasp it.

The faster you get your words on the page, the better.

Don’t skim over it. This idea has to burn inside you. Feel it like a fire in your belly. The faster you get your words on the page, the better. The faster the better. The faster, the better!

Why? Because your mind is a much better communicator than you give it credit for. You’ll write with amazing clarity when you match the speed of your thoughts.