Romantic relationships and friendship

Accidental poetry: Improve your english through creative writing - Lisa Lieberman 2015

Romantic relationships and friendship

I have lost her polar mouth and arctic smile. — Second year English student


Over the years, I’ve found that my students love to write about their relationships with others, whether it’s the joy of a close friendship, an exciting romance, or the betrayal of an ex-partner. Falling in love, falling out of love—it all makes for a wonderful way to practice written communication.

200.Is there anything more important to you than love? What is it?

201.What do you see when you look into your partner’s eyes?

202.Who are you in the presence of your partner?

203.What do you need most from your partner?

204.Forgiveness: Does it come easily for you? For your partner?

205.When have your words enhanced the passion, and when have your words been barriers against passion?


206.When have you noticed what you like and dislike in your partner without attaching importance to your observations?

207.Is it more difficult to be loved or to love another fully?

208.When have you spoken your truths to your partner without fear of judgment?

209.When did your partner give you room to blossom as an individual?

210.Where does patience and compassion fit into your relationship?

211.When have you expressed to another person your need to be loved?


212.When did you face a fear of intimacy?

213.When has your partner’s happiness been more important than your own?

214.When have resentments hardened like cement?

215.Can you remember the first blush of love?

216.Are there still remnants of that first blush of love, or has it evaporated?

217.When have you hidden behind your partner in order to not face yourself?

218.Can you love freely, without fear?

219.When have you enjoyed doing nothing with another person?

220.How have you learned to love by simply loving?


221.Can you love yourself as much as you love your partner?

222.When have you been able to love without needing a reason for it?

223.Can you resist trying to correct your partner’s life?