1 The present simple: She wears glasses

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

1 The present simple: She wears glasses

Quick reference

We use the present simple to talk about:

• habits or regular activities and situations.

I usually get up at 7.15. She likes white wine.

• things that are generally or always true.

Water boils at 100˚C. It rains a lot in Wales.

• In the third person singular affirmative the verb has a final -s.

The manager arrives first. He starts work before 8.

• We form the negative with don’t (doesn’t in the third person singular).

I don’t smoke. She doesn’t smoke.

Note that we don’t add -s to the verb that follows doesn’t. (not She doesn’t smokes.)

• We form questions with Do ...? (Does ...?in the third person singular).

Do you smoke? Does he smoke?

Note that we don’t use Do/Does to form questions with the verb be.

Are you English? (not Do you be English?)

• Short answers:

Are you English? - Kes, / am. Do you speak English? - Yes, I do.

Do they live in London? - Yes, they do. Does it rain a lot? - Yes, it does.

Does this radio work? - No, it doesn’t.

1 Form true sentences using the verbs in the box.


not read


have (x2)

not wash

go (x2)

get up




Example: The average British man sleeps & hours 10 minutes a night.

1 22% of British families … to Spain for their holiday.

2 The average British woman ... 62 kilos.

3 British teenagers ... much, but they ... television for over 19 hours a week.

4 The average British teenager at ... 7.20.

5 A typical British man ... a bath twice a week, but he ... his hair each time.

6 British people ..., on average, six cups of tea a day.

7 The average British person ... his or her teeth for only 20 seconds.

8 Over 6 million British families .. a dog.

9 The average British person ... to the dentist twice a year.

10 British women ..., on average, 76 years.

2 Look at the table and complete the sentences, using the verb speak.

1 Alain ... Spanish. 2 He ... German or Arabic.

3 Marta and Anna ... French or German. 4 But they ... Spanish. 5 Ahmed ... English or Spanish. 6 He ... French and Arabic.

3 Complete the questions and answers using the information in the timetable.

1 What time ... the first train leave London? It ... London at ...

2 ... it stop in Bristol? ...

3 What time ... it reach Exeter? It ...

4 ... the 09.15 and 10.15 trains both stop at Bristol? ...

5 ... they stop at Taunton? ...

6 ... the 10.30 train stop at Taunton? ...

7 ... the 14.15 train from London stop at Exeter? ...

8 What time ... the last train ... London? It ...

9 What time ... Plymouth? It ...

4 A young man is being interviewed outside a supermarket. Write the questions for his answers.

1 ... married? Yes, I am.

2 How often ...? I go shopping about twice a week.

3 When ...? I usually go in the evening, after work.

4 How often ... wife ... shopping? She goes about once a week.

5 How much ...? I spend about S20.

6 ... about the same? No, she usually spends more.

7 How ...? I pay by credit card.

8 ... different supermarkets? No, I don’t. I always go to this one.

9 ... to this supermarket? No, she doesn’t. She goes to one near her office.