2 The present continuous: The phone’s ringing

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

2 The present continuous: The phone’s ringing

Quick reference

We form the present continuous with the present tense of the verb be + -ing.


I’m listening

You aren’t listening

He isn’t listening


I’m not listening

You’re listening

He’s listening


Am I listening?

Are you listening?

Is he listening? Etc.

We use the present continuous:

• for something that’s in progress now, at this moment. Look! It’s raining.

• for a temporary activity or situation (which may not be in progress at the moment).

I’m going out with a boy called Gary. He’s studying engineering at college.

• for arrangements we’ve made for the future. I’m having a party next Saturday.

• with always to complain or express surprise/irritation about something that happens frequently. She doesn’t get on well with her parents. They’re always criticising her.

• but some verbs are almost never used in the present continuous. The most common are: agree, be, believe, belong, care, forget, hate, hear, know, like, love, mean, mind, notice, own, remember, seem, suppose, understand, want, wish.

I love you. (not I’m loving you.) What does this word mean? (not What is this word meaning?)

1 Two friends have just met each other in the street. Complete the dialogue.

Jake: Hi! What/you/do in town? (1) ...?

Adam: I/take these letters to the post office. Then I/go to the bank.

(2) ...

Jake: What/you/do these days? (3) ...?

Adam: Well, I/not/enjoy my job at the moment. So I/think of changing it. I/apply for jobs in advertising.

(4) ... What about you?

Jake: I/get ready to go on holiday. (5) ...

Adam: You/always/go on holiday! Where/you/go this time?

(6) ...

Jake: We/go to Greece. Alison/come with me. I/reatly/look forward to it. (7) ...

Adam: How long you/go for? (8) ...?

Jake: We/not stay for very long, only a week. (9) ...

Adam: What/Alison/do these days? (10) ...?

Jake: She’s still at college. She/train to be a teacher. (11) ...

Adam: Well, it/get late. (12) ... I’d better go.

Jake: Yes, me too. Bye!

2 Read this holiday postcard and write in the word that fits each space. Write only one word in each space. Use parts of the following verbs:



have (x2)




be (x2)





Dear Kate,

We (1) ... here on Skiathos and we're (2) ... a marvellous time. Were (3) ... in a villa which (4) ... to a rich British businessman.

We really (5) ... Greek food. We already (6) ... several good restaurants near the harbour. We (7)......................................... lucky,.... because everybody here (8) ... to be able to speak English.

At the moment I'm (9) ... in a beach taverna on Vromolimnos beach and I (10) ... drinking an iced coffee. Mike's (11) ... a swim and the children (12) ... playing


I (13) ... you were here with us.



3 Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous where possible.

Father: What (1 do) ... in there?

daughter: I (2 have) ... a bath.

father: I (3 not believe) ... it! It (4 be) ... 7.45, two other people (5 wait) ... to use the bathroom and you (6 have) ... a bath!

daughter: OK, I (7 be) ... as quick as I can.

father: But I (8 want) ... to shave. You (9 know) ... I (10 hate) ... being late for work.

daughter: OK, OK. I (11 dry) ... myself now.

father: I (12 not care) ... what you (13 do) ... I just

(14 want) ... you to hurry up!

4 Put the verbs into the present continuous where possible.

Dear Prime Minister,

I (1 write) ... to you because I (2 become) ... more and more worried about the policies of the present government. I (3 remember) ... the promises you made when you came to power. But what (4 happen) ... now?

Prices (5 go up) ..., unemployment (6 rise) ..., crime (7 get) ... worse and worse and you (8 do) ... nothing about it!

I (9 know) ... that other countries in Europe have got similar problems and I (10 suppose) ... some things are outside your control. But you (11 say) ... always ... it (12 not be) ... your fault. You ... always (13 make) ... excuses and I particularly (14 hate) ... that. I (15 be) ... tired of hearing excuses. I (16 want) ... action.

Yours sincerely,

Charles Fortescue-Smyth