100 Clauses with -ing OR a past participle With in identifying phrases

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

100 Clauses with -ing OR a past participle With in identifying phrases

Quick reference

-ing clauses

• We can use an -ing clause to say what someone is/was doing, or to describe a situation.

/ met Tessa coming out of the supermarket. He bumped into a woman holding a baby.

She spoke to a man wearing dark glasses. I lost a bag containing all my money.

An -ing clause is often used after there is/there are/there was/there were.

There’s someone waiting at the bus-stop. There were no trains going to London.

Clauses with a past participle

• We can use a clause beginning with a past participle (used, found, lost, etc.) to describe something or someone. This type of clause has a passive meaning.

A pen used by Picasso has been sold for 525,000. A woman hurt in the crash has died.

With phrases

• We can use a with phrase to describe the physical features or possessions of someone or something.

I met a girl with blue eyes and long blond hair.

A man with a gun rushed out of the bank. I found a bag with nothing in it on the floor.

1 Complete this newspaper report, using clauses with -ing or a past participle, and with.

When the Queen visited Barnstaple this morning, there was a big crowd (they were waiting to see her) ... Half way through the visit a man (hе had long black hair- he was wearing jeans and a T-shirt - it had ’IHer Majesty' on it) ... was arrested by police. The man, (hе was holding a long hatpin) ..., rushed towards the Queen (hе was shouting ’Your Majesty!') ... The Queen’s bodyguards, (they saw the danger) ... jumped on him. The man, (hе was badly injured in the attack) ... is now in Barnstaple hospital. The Queen, (she was touched by the man’s efforts to reach her) ..., has visited him in hospital. The hatpin (it was found in the man’s hand) ... was hers. She'd dropped it as she approached the Civic Centre.

2 Complete this sentence from a report about an election campaign by a group of Green Party activists. Put these clauses and phrases into the correct position in the sentence.

A van ... travelled round the area for a week before the election.

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© David Bolton and Noel Goodey, 1996 and 2003

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