19 Have/Get something done: He had his car serviced

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

19 Have/Get something done: He had his car serviced

Quick reference

We use the construction have something done:

• when we don’t do the job ourselves, usually because we can’t.

I had my haircut.

We had the house painted

• when something unpleasant happened to someone.

She had her bike stolen. He had his nose broken

1 Peter is practical and does a lot of things himself, but not everything. Complete these sentences with the correct forms of have something done.

Example: His central heating system broke down. He couldn’t fix it himself so he had it repaired by a heating engineer.

He washes the car himself but normally he (1 service) ... in a garage. He always cleans the windows himself but he (2 paint) ... by a decorator. When he bought a

new computer he (3 not install) ... the software ... at the shop. He did it himself.

He’s quite good at small building jobs but next month he (4 build) ... a new garage ... by a building firm. And he (5 repair) ... the roof of his house ... .................

2 An American tourist is talking to a Scotsman in a hotel in Glasgow. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

1 I’m not enjoying my stay. On Tuesday someone stole my video camera. (I)

On Tuesday, ...

2 On Thursday someone broke my glasses in an argument in a pub. (broken)

On Thursday I ... in an argument in a pub.

3 On Friday someone took my wife’s passport from our hotel room. (taken)

On Friday my wife ...

4 On Saturday the police stopped us and they searched our bags for drugs. (had)

On Saturday the police stopped us and we ... for drugs.

5 And finally, on Sunday, someone broke into our car. (broken)

And finally, on Sunday, we ... into.

So. to tell you the truth, I can’t wait to get back to New York. I feel safe there!

3 Charlotte Montagu-Smith has a lot of money and a lot of spare time. She does very little for herself. Replace the words in italics with the structure have something done.

Example: Once a week her hairdresser cuts and styles her hair.

Once a week she has her hair cut and styled.

1 Every day a woman cleans and tidies her apartment.

2 Last month a decorator redecorated the whole apartment.

3 A carpet fitter has just laid new carpets in every room.

4 Every week a garage washes and polishes her car.

5 This month a dressmaker is making hero new collection of summer clothes.

6 Last week a dentist straightened her teeth.

7 That was only a week after a plastic surgeon had remodelled her nose.

8 Next week an artist is going to paint her portrait.

9 Once a month an astrologer tells her fortune.

10 And four times a year a dog beautician shampoos her poodle.

4 Justin is a student living away from home. His mother is visiting him for the first time. Complete the dialogue using the construction have something done.

Mother: Your hair’s too long. When did you last (1 cut) ... it ...?

The cooker doesn’t work. Why don’t you (2 repair) ... it ...?

And look at this carpet! You should (3 clean) ... it ...?

I can smell gas. You should (4 check) ... the gas fire ...

I worry about you, Justin. Why don’t you (5 install) ... a telephone?

Justin: Because I haven’t got any money.

5 Write sentences in which you describe two things you normally have done for you and two things you had done last week or last month. Check your answers with a teacher.

Examples: I have my eyes tested once a year.

Last week I had my hair cut.