20 Questions

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

20 Questions

Quick reference

• To make a question we put the auxiliary verb (be, have, do) or a modal verb (can, will, would, etc.) before the subject.

• In the present simple we use do, does to make questions, and did in the past simple.

• We often begin questions with the question words What? When? Where? Which? Who? Why? How?

We use negative questions:

• to show surprise.

• when something seems very probable.

• with Why? to show surprise or frustration, or to make a suggestion.

• in exclamations.

• If we use a verb or an adjective + a preposition, the preposition remains attached to the verb/adjective in a question. Who's she talking to? What are you good at?

1 Amy Price is at the new Shopping Centre in her local town. A market researcher is asking her what she thinks about the new centre. Complete the researcher’s questions.

1 ... here for the first time?

No, I’m not. I always do my shopping here now.

2 ...?

No, I don’t mind. I quite like answering questions.

3 ...? Yes, I come every week.

4 ...?

Yes, I have. I’ve bought a lot of things this morning.

5 ...? Yes, I did. I came twice last week.

6 ...?

Yes. there is something I’d like to change. I wish they wouldn’t play this music.

2 Uwe wants to get to know Pia, a girl in his English class. Write the questions he asks her.

1He wants to know: where she comes from. Where ... you ...?

2 when she arrived in England. ...?

3 how many times she’s been to England. ...?

4 how long she’s been learning English. ...?

5 what she likes doing. ...?

6 what she’s doing this evening. ...?

7 if they can have dinner together. ...?

3 Emma is hoping to buy a second-hand computer. She has seen an advert in the paper.

Before she makes the phone call, she is writing down the questions she wants to ask the person who is selling the computer. Write her questions.

Example: IBM PC or Macintosh? Is it an IBM PC or a Macintosh ?

1 Model? Which ...?

2 Printer type? What ...?

3 Age? How ...?

4 Cost? How ...?

5 Reason for sale? Why ...?

6 Possible to see it? Can ...?

4 Zoe is talking to her friend Chris. Complete the negative questions Chris uses to show his surprise.

Zoe: The restaurant you recommended wasn’t very good. Chris: Oh dear. (I you/not like/it) ...?

Zoe: Not very much.

Chris: (2 the food/not be/very good) ...?

Zoe: The food was OK, but the wine was terrible.

Chris: (3 you/not complain) ...?

Zoe: Yes, we did. And the manager was very rude.

Chris: (4 he/not give/you/another bottle) ...?

Zoe: Yes, he did, but after we’d left, we realised we’d paid for two bottles!

5 Tom’s friend Sue has been acting very strangely. Write the questions he wants to ask her. Example: She’s worried about something. What are you worried about?

1 She’s angry about something. ...?

2 She seems afraid of something. ...?

3 She’s obviously thinking about something. ...?

4 She was talking to someone at the station. ...?