39 The verb need: I need a friend. You don’t need to come

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

39 The verb need: I need a friend. You don’t need to come

Quick reference

• We use need + a noun when we talk about the things it’s necessary to have.

You need an umbrella. It’s raining. She ’ll need a visa to go to the States.

The mechanic told me I needed two new tyres on my car.

• Need has two negative forms: don ’t/doesn’t need and needn’t. Needn’t can never be followed by a noun.

You don’t need a ticket to get in. (not You needn’t a ticket.)

• We use need + infinitive with to to talk about a necessity in the present or the future.

She's very ill. She needs to see a doctor. I can't stay any longer. I need to go now.

• In the negative, we can use either don ’t/doesn’t need + infinitive with to or needn’t + infinitive without to. The meaning is the same.

It’s only 11.00. You needn’t leave yet. or You don’t need to leave yet.

In the past, note the difference between didn’t need to and needn't have.

• We use needn’t have + a past participle when someone did something that wasn’t necessary. It was a waste of time or effort. But at the time they didn’t know this.

She needn’t have taken her umbrella, because it didn’t rain. (But she took it.)

• We use didn’t need to + infinitive when it wasn’t necessary to do something. But it isn’t always clear if it was done or not.

She didn’t need to take an umbrella, because the weather forecast was good.

(Perhaps she took an umbrella. Perhaps she didn’t.)

1 It is November, and this Italian woman is going to England to do an English language course. She is packing her suitcase. Look at the pictures and write what things are necessary or not necessary. Use the verb need.

1 …

2 ...

3 ...

4 ...

5 ...

6 ...

7 ...

8 ...

2 Peter Clegg is going to Paris for a business meeting next Monday. His wife is asking him about it. Put in the correct form of the verb need.

’(1) ... book a hotel room in Paris?’

’I don’t think so. The last time I went I (2) ... to, because the company had already booked one. I just (3) ... check that they’ve booked one this time, that’s all.’

’What train (4) ... catch?’

’I (5) ... catch an early one. I (6) ... be at the airport till 18.30.’

’I’m going into town this afternoon. (7) ... any French currency?’

’Yes, but you (8) ... go to the bank. I’ll get some at the airport.’

’What clothes (9) ... take?’

’I (10) ... take many. I just (11) ... my suit and a change of


’You might (12) ... a raincoat.’

’Oh, I don’t think so. I (13) ... one the last time I went.’

3 Complete the sentences by matching the items in the two columns.

1 It’s great. I needn’t

2 So I don’t need

3 I told my boss I needed

4 He said he didn’t need

5 So I didn’t need

6 I won’t be paid, but I don’t really need

7 I’ve needed

8 I’m going to North Africa. I need

a) to go into work.

b) to feel the sun on my face.

c) the money.

d) me next week.

e) to get up early in the morning.

f) go to work tomorrow.

g) a holiday for months.

h) a week’s holiday.

1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8...

4 Dan Price went to a concert last night to see an American bines band. The evening cost him nothing. Read the text and decide which answer, А, В, C or D best fits each space.

1 He .... in a queue because he already had a ticket. He just walked in.

2 He bought a programme for £5, but he .... because he found one on his seat.

3 Then he told the woman sitting next to him that she .... £5 for a programme - he would sell her one for £2.50.

4 At the interval he had a drink. He .... his own money. He used the £2.50.

5 After the concert he phoned for a taxi, but he ... because while he was waiting a friend stopped and gave him a lift home.

6 The taxi driver arrived, but he ... because Dan wasn’t there.

1 A needn’t stand

2 A didn’t need to do

3 A needn’t have paid

4 A needn’t have used

5 A needn’t have

6 A needn’t have come

В didn’t need to stand

В needn’t do

В didn’t need to pay

В didn’t need to use

В needed not

В didn’t need come

C needn’t have stood

C needn’t done

C needn’t to pay

C needed not to use

C didn’t need to

C didn’t need to come

D needn’t to stand

D needn’t have done

D didn’t need pay

D needed not use

D needn’t to

D needn’t come