40 If sentences (1st and 2nd conditional)

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

40 If sentences (1st and 2nd conditional)

Quick reference

• We use the 1st conditional (if+ a verb in the present simple) to talk about a possible future action or situation. The if clause is often followed by a main clause with will/won’t.

If the weather gets better, we’ll go fora walk. (not If the weather will get better.)

or We 'll go for a walk if the weather gets better.

• In addition to the future will, we can also use can, should, ought to, may, might, must or an imperative in the main clause.

If you want to go to London, you can catch a bus.

We shouldn’t be late, if the train's on time. Phone me if you want anything.

• To talk about something that’s always true, we use if + present simple + present simple.

If you heat plastic, it melts. If I travel by car, I always get carsick.

• We use the 2nd conditional if + a verb in the past simple + would/wouldn’l, could, might to talk about an action or situation in the present or the future which is improbable, hypothetical or imaginary.

If public transport was better, there would be fewer cars on the road.

You might feel better if you took some of these tablets.

If you found £100 in the street, what would you do with it?

1 Jack Rice is in a hotel room in Saint Lucia. It is very hot. He cannot sleep. Write sentences about his problem, using If and choosing the correct main clause from the list on the right.

Example: (Leave his door open) If he leaves his door open, it'll be too noisy.

1 (Leave the window open)

2 (Close the window)

3 (Take off his pyjamas)

4 (Not take off his pyjamas)

5 (Try to sleep in a cold bath)

he’ll have mosquito bites all over his body.

he might drown.

there’ll be no fresh air in the room.

the mosquitoes will get into the room.

he’ll be too hot.

1 ...

2 ...

3 ...

4 ...

5 ...

2 Anna is going to London for an interview for her first job. She is very worried. She is thinking of possible problems. Make sentences with What will I do if ...?

Example: I might not get there on time. What will I do if I don't get there on time?

1 My train might be late. What will I do if ...?

2 I might not be able to get a taxi. What will I do if ...?

3 The interviewer might not like me. What will I do if ...?

4 She might ask difficult questions. What will I do ...?

5 They might not offer me the job. What will I do ...?

3 At the interview (see Exercise 2) Anna was asked to talk about herself. She said some general things (general truths) about herself. Complete her sentences, using If ...

Example: (worry a lot/be late for something) I worry a lot if I 'm late for something.

1 (I/get embarrassed  people/say nice things about me)

2 (I/not feel good   I/not be wearing smart clothes)

3 (anyone/criticise me  I/feel guilty)

4 (my boyfriend/not listen to me it/make me angry)

4 Emily is learning Spanish, and she is thinking of going to Spain. A friend is giving her some advice. Make sentences with If...

Example: Try to go for at least a month. (go for a month/learn a lot of Spanish)

If you went for a month, you'd learn a lot of Spanish.

1 (It/be better/go on your own)

2 (go with a group of English friends/not speak much Spanish)

3 (go on your own/not be able to speak English)

4 Stay with a Spanish family. (learn the language quickly/stay with a family)

5 Find a Spanish boy. (have a Spanish boyfriend/soon speak Spanish well!)

5 Read the text. If a line is correct, put a tick (✓). If a line has a mistake in it, underline the mistake and write the correction in the brackets.

Example: (1) If I went to London next Saturday, I’ll have to hitchhike. If there were (go)

(2) more buses, that was all right. But there’s only one bus a day and that leaves

(3) at 5.30 in the morning. If it leaves a bit later, I’d catch it. If they stop that

(4) early morning bus service, there’ll be no way of getting to London by

(5) public transport. If I would have a car, I could get there in three hours. If

(6) public transport will get any worse, a lot of people won’t be able to travel.

6 a) Using if + present simple + present simple, write five general truths about yourself and your opinions. Example: If people smoke in a restaurant, I get angry.

b) Imagine yon are going to England. Talk about the alternative means of travel. Write five sentences, using if + present simple + will/won’t.

Examples: If I go from Santander, I'll have to drive for three hours. If I go by plane, it'll cost a lot more.

c) Write five questions you would ask someone you were thinking of marrying. Use if+ past simple + would/wouldn’t. Example: Would you be angry if I criticised you?

Check your answers with a teacher.