41 I fin past situations (3rd conditional)

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

41 I fin past situations (3rd conditional)

Quick reference

• We use the past perfect in the if clause to talk about something that didn’t happen or a situation that didn’t exist in the past. We use the past conditional in the main clause.

• We sometimes use the past perfect continuous (would have been + -ing) in the //clause.

You weren’t concentrating. If you’d (had) been concentrating, you would have seen that the traffic lights were red.

• We sometimes link the past with the present by using would or would be + -ing.

1 Becky and Polly went to Scotland for the weekend. They have just got back and they are talking about it. Read the dialogue and decide which answer, А, В, C or D best fits each space.

Becky: We (1) ... the weekend if it (2) ... the whole time.

Polly: Yes, if it (3) ... raining, we (4) ... out more.

Becky: And it was cold! If we (5) ... it was so cold in Scotland, we (6) ... some warm clothes.

Polly: And if your car (7) ... we (8) ... much more of Scotland.

Becky: And what about Saturday night? If you (9) ... the front door key of the guest house we were staying at, we (10) ... sleep in the car!

1 A would have enjoyed

2 A wouldn’t have rained

3 A stopped

4 A could have gone

5 A would have known

6 A might have take

7 A didn’t break down

8 A had seen

9 A wouldn’t have lost

10 A wouldn’t have had to

В enjoyed

В hadn’t rained

В would have stopped

В can have gone

В know

В might to take

В hadn’t broken down

В mightn’t have seen

В haven’t lost

В wouldn’t have to

C had enjoyed

C didn’t rain

C had stopped

C had gone

C knew

C might have taken

C doesn’t break down

C could see

C hadn’t lost

C didn’t have to

D would enjoy

D wouldn’t rain

D has stopped

D went

D had known

D might take

D wouldn’t have broken down

D could have seen

D didn’t lose

D hadn’t to

2 An old man is thinking about his past life. Write sentences with If+ past perfect + would have or wouldn’t have.

Example: I didn’t have any brothers or sisters. I had a lonely childhood.

If I'd had brothers or sisters, I wouldn't have had such a lonely childhood.

1 My parents were poor. I didn’t have many clothes.

If my parents ..., I ... more clothes.

2 I missed a lot of school lessons. I didn’t learn a lot.

If I ..., I could ... more.

3 I wasn’t very clever. I didn’t do very well at school.

If ... more clever, ... better at school.

4 I didn’t pass any exams. I never got a well-paid job.

If ..., I might ...

5 I was shy. I didn’t have many friends.

If ..., I ... friends.

6 I worked on a farm. I didn’t fight in the war.

If ..., I...

7 I didn’t leave this village. I never got a better job.

If ..., I could ...

8 I never got married. I never had any children.

If ..., I might ...

3 Four people are talking about big events in their lives. Complete their stories, using if + past perfect continuous + would(n’t) have and would(n’t) or would(n’t) be + -ing.

1 Andy: in a recent storm, lightning struck a tree, fifty metres from where 1 was standing. If I (stand) ... under the tree, I (be) ... killed. I (be) ... here now.

2 Carla: I first met my husband Larry on a cross-Channel ferry. I was feeling ill and he asked me il he could help me. If I (feel) ... ill, he (speak) ... to me. And we (live) ... together now.

3 Louise: When I had my accident, I wasn’t watching the road, so I hit the car in front. If I (watch) ... the road, I (hit) ... that car.

4 Adam: I applied for a job in Australia. At the interview I was feeling tired and they didn’t offer me the job. If I (feel) ... tired, they (offer) ... me the job.

I (be) ... in Australia now. I (surf) ... on Bondi Beach.

4 Complete these sentences about yourself. Check your answers with a teacher.

I If I’d been born a boy/girl ...

3 If I’d been born ten years earlier ...

2 If I’d chosen my own name ...

4 If I’d lived in the last century ...