53 -ing clauses: They sat talking. Having said goodbye, we left

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

53 -ing clauses: They sat talking. Having said goodbye, we left

Quick reference

We can use an -ing clause to talk about:

• two actions happening at the same time (often after the verbs be, stand, sit, lie).

She's in the bar waiting for you. They sat talking. He lay on the bed reading.

• an action happening while another is going on. He fell asleep watching television.

• an action immediately preceding another. Closing the door quietly, he left the house.

• an action that was completed before another started.

Having paid the bill, we left the restaurant.

• We can also use an -ing clause to explain why something happened.

Not knowing which way to go, he asked a policeman.

Having lost my ticket, I had to buy another one.

1 This is a newspaper report of a big gas explosion in central London. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I arrived on the scene soon after the blast. One woman was sitting on the pavement (1 cry) ... An old man was lying in the road (2 bleed) ... heavily from a head wound. Another woman was walking up and down (3 hold) ... her head and (4 scream) ... Several cars were on fire, (5 send) ... a column of black smoke into the sky. Three teams of paramedics were there (6 treat) ... people for shock. Workers from the gas company were already in the building (7 try) ... to discover the cause of the blast.

2 Last year was a bad one for Andrea. Write complete sentences, using an -ing clause.

Example: In February she/break/her leg/ski In February she broke her leg skiing.

1 In May she/have/a car accident/come/home from work

2 In June her father/have/a heart attack/play/tennis

3 In August she/break/arm/fall/down the stairs

4 In October she nearly/electrocute herself/try/mend her guitar amplifier

3 A bank robbery that went wrong. Match items in the two columns to make complete sentences.

1 Taking a gun out of his pocket,

2 Pushing his way to the front of the queue,

3 Seeing him coming,

4 Hearing the alarm,

5 Pushing people out of the way,

a) the cashier pressed the alarm bell.

b) he rushed out into the street.

c) the man panicked.

d) the robber ran into the bank.

e) he spoke to the cashier.

1... 2... 3... 4... 5...

4 How to make a mushroom omelette. Make the two sentences into one, using an -ing clause.

1 Beat the eggs. Then add a little salt and pepper to them.

Having ...

2 Chop the mushrooms. Add them to the eggs.

3 Melt the butter in the frying pan. Pour in the mixture.

4 Cook the omelette for three minutes. Serve it with a little fresh parsley.

5 Read the text about Tim Bell. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using an -ing clause.

Example: Because he didn’t want to stay at school Tim left when he was 16.

Not wanting to stag at school, Tim left when he was 16.

1 Now, because he can’t find a job, he spends most of his time at home.

Now, ... at home.

2 One day last month, because he had nothing to do, he bought some juggling balls.

One day last month, ...

3 After two weeks, because he’d practised three hours a day, he could juggle five balls.

After two weeks, ...

4 Because he feels that this might be his career, he practises regularly every day.

... every day.

5 His friends, because they’ve seen him juggle, think that he could earn some money as an entertainer.

His friends, ...

6 This week, because he’s done three performances, he’s earned over £150.

This week, ... over £150.

7 Because he’s a very cautious person, Tim has put half the money in the bank.

... in the bank.

8 Because he’s found something he can do well, Tim’s now a lot happier than he was.

... than he was.

6 Write five sentences, using -ing clauses. Say what you have done so far in your life, and say how one thing has led to another. Check your answers with a teacher.

Examples: Being an only child, I felt a bit lonely at home. When I was 12, not having many friends, I moved to a new school. Having liked rock music all my life, I started to learn to play the drums last year.