54 I prefer to read/I prefer reading I’d prefer to stay/I’d rather stay

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

54 I prefer to read/I prefer reading I’d prefer to stay/I’d rather stay

Quick reference

• General preference: we can use prefer + inlinitive with to or prefer + -ing.

He doesn't like watching television. He prefers to read, or He prefers reading.

• A particular situation: we can use would prefer (not) + infinitive with to or would rather (not) + infinitive without to.

I’d prefer not to go by bus tomorrow, or I’d rather not go by bus tomorrow.

I’d prefer to go by train, or I’d rather go by train.

• Two alternatives

He prefers to read rather than watch TV. or He prefers reading to watching TV.

I’d prefer to stay at a hotel tonight rather than sleep in the car. or I’d rather stay at a hotel tonight than sleep in the car.

• Would prefer someone to do something/would rather someone did (simple past) something.

I’d prefer you to buy a car, or I’d rather you bought a car.

I’d prefer you not to buy a motorbike, or I'd rather you didn’t buy a motorbike.

• Regrets about the past: Would prefer (not) to have done/would rather (not) have done.

I’d prefer not to have gone to China, or I’d rather not have gone to China, (but I did)

I’d prefer to have gone to India, or I’d rather have gone to India, (but 1 didn’t)

1 Look at the Griggs family’s general preferences. Make sentences, using prefer + infinitive or ing, and including the two alternatives. Use the following verbs.

2 Harold Maw is an invalid who lives on the seventh floor of an old block of flats пеги- the centre of Liverpool. He is telling a social worker about his problems and preferences. Complete the sentences, using would prefer or would rather with these verbs.

have to





I like living in Liverpool, but (1 not) I ... in this flat. It’s difficult being on the seventh floor. (2) I ... in a ground-floor flat rather than this one. When the lift’s not working, I have to walk up the stairs. (3 not) I ... do that three times a day. I’m not married and I don’t like living alone. (4) I ... married. I’ve got three cats and a budgerigar, but (5) I ... some children. Nobody comes to see me, so I watch television for hours. (6) I ... to people than watch television.

3 Milly Jones teaches in a primary school. She is talking to her class of five-year-olds. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given.

Example: William, I’d prefer you not to write all over the walls. (rather)

William, I'd rather you didn't curite all over the avails.

1 Gabby, I’d rather you didn’t pull Beth’s hair. (prefer)

I’d ... pull Beth’s hair.

2 Jessica, I’d prefer you not to eat your lunch on the floor. (rather)

Jessica, I’d ... eat your lunch on the floor.

3 Jack, I’d prefer your feet to be on the floor, not on Matthew’s head. (rather)

Jack, ... on the floor, not on Matthew’s head.

4 Alice, I’d rather you talked quietly than shouted like that. (prefer)

Alice, ... like that.

5 Nicola, I’d prefer you to eat your sandwiches rather than throw them at Amy. (rather)

Nicola, ... them at Amy.

6 Carla, I’d rather you sat on your chair than stood on the table. (prefer)

Carla, ... on the table.

7 Neil, I’d prefer your coat to be in the cloakroom rather than on my desk. (rather)

Neil, ... on my desk.

8 Charles, I’d prefer you not to pour your orange juice over Zoe. (rather)

Charles, ... your orange juice over Zoe.

4 Louise and Chris went to London to do some shopping yesterday. Chris is talking about the trip. Read the text and decide which sentence, А. В, C or D best follows the first sentence.

1 I didn’t really want to go. ...

A I’d prefer to have gone to London.

C I’d rather spend the day at home.

В I’d rather have spent the day at home.

D I'd prefer to stay at home.

2 I had to get up at 6.30. ...

A I’d rather get up at 8.00.

С I prefer getting up early.

В I’d rather have stayed in bed.

D I’d prefer to stay in bed.

3 We went by car . ...

A I’d prefer to have gone by car.

C I’d rather have gone by car.

В I’d rather go by train.

D I’d prefer to have gone by train.

4 Louise insisted on driving. ...

A I’d rather have driven.

C I’d rather not have driven.

В I’d prefer Louise to have driven.

D I’d prefer not to have driven.

5 We had lunch at a McDonald’s. ...

A I prefer not to go to fast-lood restaurants.

C I’d prefer to have gone to a McDonald’s.

В I’d rather have gone to a McDonald’s.

D I’d rather eat in fast-food restaurants.

6 In the end we didn’t buy anything

A I’d prefer not to have bought anything.

C I’d rather have stayed at home.

В I’d rather not have bought anything.

D I’d prefer to stay at home.