56 Reported speech: (‘My name is Jack.’) He said his name was Jack

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

56 Reported speech: (‘My name is Jack.’) He said his name was Jack

Quick reference

• If the reporting verb is in the past (He said... He told me ...) the verb in reported speech usually ’goes back’ one tense into the past.

Present simple: I come from Greece. ’ > Past simple: She said (that) she came from Greece.

Present continuous: I’m working. ’ > Past continuous: He said (that) he was working

Past simple > Past perfect

Past continuous > Past perfect continuous

Present perfect > Past perfect

Future will > would

We usually leave out that after the reporting verb.

• The past simple in direct speech can stay the same in reported speech.

’We fell into the lake.’ He said they fell into the lake. (or they had fallen)

• Modal verbs

Can > could

may > might

Must stays the same or changes to had to.

’You must work harder. > He told me I must (or / had to) work harder.

Would, could, should, might, ought to and mustn’t don’t change in reported speech.

• If the reporting verb is in the past, but the situation still exists, we can use the same tense.

'I’ll see you in town tomorrow. ’ > He said he’ll (or he'd) see me in town tomorrow.

• Note these changes in reported speech:

1 Jenny Broad is interested in the supernatural. She went to see a medium in the hope of contacting some dead relatives. This was their conversation.

Medium: I can see a man. He’s your uncle Walter who died in 1994.

Jenny: I’ve never had an uncle Walter.

Medium: You often went to see him in Manchester.

Jenny: I’ve never been to Manchester. 1 don’t know anyone in Manchester.

Medium: You must try to remember. He gave you the necklace you’re wearing.

Jenny: Nobody gave me the necklace. I bought it myself.

Medium: The man looks sad because you didn’t go to his funeral. He’s trying to give you a message. But he can’t speak.

Jenny: I’m sorry, but you’ve made a mistake.

Medium: He’ll come and see you again in a dream.

Now Jenny’s reporting the conversation to a friend. Put the dialogue into reported speech.

1 She said she ... a man. She said he ... in 1994.

2 Hold her I ... Walter.

3 She said I ... Manchester.

4 I told her I ... Manchester. I said I ... Manchester.

5 She said I ... to remember. She told me he ... wearing.

6 I told her that nobody ... the necklace. I said ... myself.

7 She said the man ... sad because I funeral. She said he ... a message. But he ... speak.

8 I told her I ... sorry, but she ... a mistake.

9 She said the man ... in a dream.

2 Phil Mather is writing a love song. The girl does not love the boy any more. The boy is reminding her of what she said to him. The song is called ’Yon said ...’ Phil wrote the words by putting these sentences into reported speech. Write the words of his song.

Example: I’ll love you for ever. You. said, you'd love me for ever.

1 ’I can’t live without you.’ You said ...

2 ’I’II never leave you.’ You said ...

3 ’You’re the only one for me.’ You said ...

4 ’I feel fine when I’m with you.’ You said ...

5 ’I won’t ever be untrue.’ You said ...

6 ’I’ve never felt this way before.’ You said ...

3 When Lauren lost her job, her friend Camilla lent her £200. Three weeks later Lauren left a message on Camilla’s answer-phone.

’I can’t give you the money now, but I’ll pay you back tomorrow or next week.

I did some temporary work for a travel agency last week and I think they’re going to pay me today. I’ll certainly be able to give you £50, and I hope that will be all right. I’m really sorry I haven’t paid you back yet. You can phone me tonight if you want to talk about it. I won’t go out till you’ve phoned.’

It is now three weeks since Lauren left the message. Camilla is talking to her on the phone. Complete what she says, using reported speech.

When you left the message you said you (1) ... the money ... but ... or ... . You said you (2) ... some temporary work for a travel agency ... and you ... to pay ... . You said you (3) ... £50, and you ... all right.

You told me you (4) ... sorry you ... yet. You said I (5) ... if I ... to talk about it. You said you (6) ... . But you weren’t in when I phoned and I haven’t heard from you since.

4 Think of something that someone has recently said to you that really interested you, surprised you or irritated you. Write your version of it, using reported speech.

Examples: My English teacher said that she’d (had) once had lunch with the US president. I told her I didn’t believe her. She said it was true and she said she’d (would) show me a photograph to prove it.

Check your text with a teacher.