57 Reported questions, commands, etc.: He asked me what I wanted

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

57 Reported questions, commands, etc.: He asked me what I wanted

Quick reference

• In direct questions the word order is verb + subject. In reported questions the word order changes to subject + verb and there is no question mark.

• If there is no question word (what, where, how, etc.), we use if or whether in the reported question. Are you English? He asked if/ivhether I was English.

• We use this construction in reported commands, warnings, requests and advice.

• We can use agree, invite, offer, promise, refuse, remind, threaten as reporting verbs.

• We can use add, admit, agree, claim, comment, complain, deny, explain, insist, mention, promise, remind, suggest as reporting verbs.

1 Change this telephone conversation from direct to reported speech.

Robert: Can I speak to Tess please?

Jill: I’m sorry, she isn’t in. Who’s speaking?

Robert: My name’s Robert. Um, do you know what time she’ll be back?

Jill: She won’t be back till ten.

Robert: Can you give her a message? Can you ask her to ring me?

Jill: What’s your number?

Robert: It’s 9298465.

Jill: What time do you go to bed?

Robert: I won’t be in bed before midnight.

Robert asked if ...

2 These are some of the things a driving instructor said to Sophie during her first driving lesson. Sophie is telling a friend about the lesson. Complete the second sentence in reported speech so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the words given.

1 ’Could I see your driving licence please?’ (asked)

He ... my driving licence.

2 ’Now, start the engine.’(told)

He ... the engine.

3 ’Don’t forget that there’s a 30 mph speed limit in town.’ (reminded)

He ... a 30mph speed limit in town.

4 ’Why don’t you drive a little more slowly?’ (suggested) He ... a little more slowly.

5 ’Don’t drive so fasti’ (told)

He ... fast.

6 I’m going to get out and walk if you don’t drive more slowly.’ (threatened)

He ... drive more slowly.

3 Mateo is a Spanish student. He is talking to the receptionist at an English youth hostel. Complete the report of their conversation.

Mateo: Have you got any beds free for tonight please?

Receptionist: Yes, I have. You can have a bed in a room with four other people.

Mateo: That’s OK.

Receptionist: How many nights do you want to stay? Mateo: I only want to stay for one night.

Receptionist: OK. Now, breakfast is at 8.00 and you must make your own bed. And remember, alcohol isn’t allowed in the hostel.

Mateo: OK. I won't be late for breakfast.

Receptionist: I can look after your passport and valuables if you want. It’s a bit risky leaving them in your room. But don’t forget to collect them before you leave. He asked ... night. She said ... She offered ... four other people. He said ... She ... then asked to stay. He replied ... one night. She told him ... and added ... She warned him ... in the hostel. He promised ... for breakfast. She offered ... wanted. She explained ... room. She reminded him ... left.

4 Report a conversation which you have had recently with a teacher, a friend or a member of your family. Use at least six of these reporting verbs.
























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