7 The present perfect: I’ve lost my job

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

7 The present perfect: I’ve lost my job

Quick reference

• The present perfect connects the past and the present. It refers to a past action, but we’re more interested in the present results or effects of the past action.

I’ve lost my keys. (I haven’t got my keys now.)

The rain has stopped. (It isn’t raining now.)

• We form the present perfect with forms of the verb have + a past participle.

Short answers

Have you started? - Yes, I have,/No, I haven’t.

Has the rain stopped? - Yes, it has./No, it hasn’t.

1 Helen’s husband has left her. She is talking on the phone to a friend, Kate. Read the dialogue and decide which answer, A, B, or C best fits each space.

Kate: What’s the matter? What (1) ...

Helen: John (2) ... me.

Kate: Where (3) ...?

Helen: I don’t know. He (4) ... an address or a telephone number. I (5) ... his office but they (6) ... from him so maybe he (7) ... his job.

Kate: (8) ... a note?

Helen: No, he (9) ...

Kate: What (10) ... with him?

Helen: He (11) ... much. Just a few clothes.

Kate: (12) ... the police?

Helen: No, I (13) ... I don’t want to find him. I (14) ... enough of him!

2 Look at the picture and write sentences about what the student has or has not done, using the verbs and nouns in the box.






switch off





the washing up


the lights

waste paper basket

1 ... 2 ...

3 ... 4 ...

5 ... 6 ...

7 ...

3 A number of hotel guests are talking to a receptionist. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets, using the present perfect. Then match the sentences on the left with those on the right.

1 I (lose) my umbrella. ... a) Can I have some more?

2 I (use) all the shampoo in my room. ... b) but I only want to stay for two.

3 I (leave) my key in my room, ... c) Have they been handed in?

4 I (put) my glasses down somewhere. ... d) Can you lend me one?

5 I (pay) for three nights, ... e) but it hasn’t come.

6 I (forget) my room number. ... f) Can you tell me what it is?

7 I (have) a headache all day. ... g) so now I can’t get in.

8 I (ring) for a taxi, ... h) Have you got an aspirin?

9 I (find) this key, ... i) Can you call a doctor?

10 I think I (break) my leg. ... j) and it doesn’t belong to me.

1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10...

4 a) Imagine you are feeling unhappy. Write three sentences with the present perfect explaining why.


I'm feeling unhappy because I've lost my job.

b) Then imagine you are feeling happy and explain why.

Check your sentences with a teacher.