8 The present perfect with already, yet, just, ever, never, before

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

8 The present perfect with already, yet, just, ever, never, before

Quick reference

• The present perfect connects the past and the present. We use it to talk about what has or hasn’t happened in the period up to this moment.

I’m painting the flat at the moment. I’ve done the kitchen and the living room, but I haven’t finished the bedroom.

• We use already to emphasise that the action has happened before the moment of speaking. Why don ’tyou phone Dave? - I’ve already phoned him.

• We use yet in questions and negative sentences to say that something hasn’t happened up to now, but that we expect it to happen some time in the future. We usually put yet at the end of the sentence. Has the train left yet? - No, it hasn't left yet.

• We often use just (= a very short time ago) with the present perfect. ]t goes in mid-position, between have/has and the main verb.

Why are you so happy? - I’ve just passed my driving test.

• We often use ewer with the present perfect to ask if something has happened at any time up to the present. Ever and never go in mid-position.

Have you ever won the lottery? - No, I’ve never won a penny.

• We often use before (= before now) with the present perfect. We usually put it at the end of the sentence. I’m sure I’ve heard that song before.

• We sometimes use never and before in the same sentence.

I’ve never eaten caviar before.

1 The Trent family are very happy today. Some exciting things have happened.

Look at the pictures and make sentences, using just and these verbs: buy, start, pass, win.

2 Harry’s mother will not let him go out this evening until he has done certain things. So far he has done the washing up, he has made his bed, he has finished his homework and he has had a bath. But he has not tidied his room, he has not fed the dog, he has not shaved and he has not found his front door key. His mother is talking to him. Write Harry’s replies, using already and yet.

1 Before you go out, you must make your bed. - I ...

2 Is your room tidy? - No, I ...

3 You must do the washing up. - I ...

4 And you must finish your homework. - I ...

5 I want you to have a bath. - I ...

6 And what about the dog? - I ...

7 And you need a shave too. - I know, I ...

8 Have you got your front door key? - No, I ...

3 Jessica Dale is having an interview for a new job with a travel company. Write the interviewer’s questions, using ever.

1 ... abroad?

Yes, I’ve been to Spain, Italy, the USA and Australia.

2 ... for a travel company?

No, but I’ve worked as a tourist guide in London.

3 ... German or Spanish?

I’ve never learnt German, but I learnt Spanish at school.

4 ... seriously ill?

No, I’ve never been ill for more than a week.

5 ... a computer?

Yes, I use a computer all the time at home.

4 Complete the text, using already, yet, just, ever, never, before.

Ryan Briggs is very excited. He’s (1) ... met a beautiful girl called Lauren. She was at the party he went to last night. He’s (2) ... had a girlfriend (3) ... Girls (4) ... seem to be interested in him. At the party Lauren asked him ’Have you (5) ... been out with a girl (6) ...?’ Ryan told her a lie and said, ’Yes, but I’ve (7) ... been out with a girl like you.’ He’s (8) ... phoned her three times today, but he hasn’t been able to contact her (9) ... So he’s (10) ... driven round to her house. Lauren has (11) ... seen him arrive. She’s (12) ... decided she doesn’t want to see him, but she hasn’t decided how to tell him (13) .....................................................

5 What things in your life have you not done? (But you hope to do them in the future.) Write three sentences, using yet.

Example: I haven't been to the USA yet.

What things in your life have you never done? Write three sentences.

Example: I've never ridden a motorbike.

What things in your life do you not want to do because you have done them once? Write three sentences, using already.

Example: I've already been to Eurodisney.

Check your answers with a teacher.