9 The present perfect (other uses)

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

9 The present perfect (other uses)

Quick reference

• We often use the present perfect with today, this morning, this week, this year, etc. when these periods aren’t completed at the moment of speaking.

I’ve done a lot of work today. (It’s still today.)

He’s written two books this year. (This year hasn’t finished.)

• We use the present perfect, not the past simple, after It’s the first (second/third, etc.) time and often after superlatives.

It’s the first time they’ve met.

It’s the most frightening experience I’ve had.

• Gone to and been to don’t mean the same.

He’s gone to New York. = He’s there now.

He’s been to New York. = He isn’t there now, but he went there in the past.

1 This is this morning’s TV news. Complete the headlines.

Example: This morning the Prime Minister (go) to a UN conference in Geneva.

This morning the Prime Minister has gone to a UN conference in Geneva.

1 A cholera epidemic (break out) ... in central Africa. This week over 5,000 people (die) ...

2 Police (arrest) ... two big international drug dealers in Edinburgh this morning.

3 The Daily Star (apologise) ... this morning to the Queen for publishing two of her private letters. And the Sun newspaper (report) ... that Princess Diana (wear) ... the same dress three times this month!

4 This year Britain (have) ... its lowest rainfall for over 100 years.

5 Manchester United (lose) ... their first four matches this season and fans (tell) ... the manager he must go.

2 Natalia is an Italian student at an English language school in England. She has been there for a month. She is writing to an American friend she met last summer. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verb.

/ (I not write) ... to you this year - I'm sorry. This summer I (2 be) ... very, very busy and I (3 be) ... in England for a month now. I (4 have) ... a lot of English lessons and I (5 learn) ... a lot of English. I (6 make) ... lot of good friends at the school and I (7 meet) ... some very nice English boys. They (8 teach) ... me a lot of slang - and swear words!

I (9 run out of) ... money twice this month -1 (10 spend) ... over £500. England's expensive! I (11 buy) ... a lot of clothes and I (12 eat) ... in a lot of expensive

restaurants. But I (13 not see) ... the inside of a church once this month. My mother will think I (14 become) ... an atheist!

This week I (15 not feet) ... well so I (16 see) ... the doctor a couple of times and today I (17 stay) ... in bed. This (18 give) ... me the chance to finish this letter to you. I (19 start) ... it twice this week. Now, at last, I (20 finish) ... it!

Love, Natalia

3 Lisa is a Swedish girl, Ben is an English boy. Lisa is driving Ben’s car. Read the dialogue and decide which answer, A, B, or C best fits each space.

Ben: Why are you nervous?

Lisa: Because it’s the first time (I) ... on the left.

Ben: Is this your first time in England?

Lisa: No it’s the second time (2) ... here.

Ben: Are you enjoying it?

Lisa: Yes it’s the best holiday (3) ...

Ben: How do you like the weather? It’s the driest summer (4) ... this century.

Lisa: It’s just beautiful. Today’s the hottest day (5) ... in this country.

Ben: Any problems with England?

Lisa: Yes, the food. It’s the worst (6) ...

Ben: Hey! Slow down. You’re doing 95 mph!

Lisa: 95! That’s the fastest (7) ....

4 Paul Wilson wants to speak to somebody who knows about marketing in Spain. Complete the dialogue with have gone to/has gone to or have been to/has been to.

Paul Wilson: Hello. Can I speak to Mr Wainwright please?

Receptionist: Mr Wainwright isn’t here I’m afraid. He (1) ... a conference in Barcelona. But Miss Philips is here. She (2) ... to Spain a few times. I’II try to connect you. No, I’m sorry. Miss Philips (3) ... lunch.

Paul Wilson: Could you put me through to someone else who (4) ... Spain?

Receptionist: No, I’m sorry. The only other people who could help you (5) ... a meeting at our head office.

5 Write down four things you have done so far this year and two you have not done.


I've bought a new car.

I haven’t had a holiday.

Check your answers with a teacher.