85 Else: Do you want anything else? - No, nothing else, thanks

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

85 Else: Do you want anything else? - No, nothing else, thanks

Quick reference

• Else means more or in addition. Would you like anything else?

It can also mean different. I don't like this suit. I must wear something else

• We often use else after somebody/something/somewhere, etc. and after much.

Did she go to the party with Tom? - No, she went with somebody else.

Shall we stay here or go somewhere else?

Did anything else happen after that? - No, not much else.

• We can use else after the question words who, what, why, how, when, where.

What else do you want? Who else did you meet?

• Note the meanings of or else.

We must run or else we ’ll miss the bus. (= if not, the result will be)

You can pay me now or else 1 can wait till Monday. (= alternatively)

1 A customs officer is talking to a tourist. Rewrite the phrases in italics, using else.

Customs officer: Have you got anything to declare?

Tourist: Only these two cartons of cigarettes.

Customs officer: Have you got (1 any other things') ...?

Tourist: No, (2 no other things) ...

Customs officer: Were you travelling with (3 another person) ...?

Tourist: No, (4 no other person) ...

Customs officer: Have you been (5 to any other place) ... apart from Amsterdam?

Tourist: No, (6 no other place) ...

Customs officer: Well, if you haven’t got (7 any other things) ... to declare, could you just open this bag for me please?

Tourist: Oh yes, I’ve just remembered. I have got (8 one more thing) ...

2 Ben is at a travel agent’s. Rewrite the words/phrases in italics, using else.

Ben: I want to go to Paris for a long weekend, leaving on Friday afternoon.

Agent: On your own, or with another person? (1) ...

Ben: With another person - my girlfriend. (2) ...

Agent: Paris is very crowded at Easter. Why don’t you go to a different place? (3) ...

Ben: What other places do you suggest? (4) ...

Agent: Bordeaux, for example. Alternatively, a city in the south, like Nice. (5) ...

Ben: No, I think I’d rather go to Paris.

Agent: The flights on Friday afternoon are already full. At what other time could you travel?

(6) ...

Ben: On Friday morning. Alternatively, on Thursday evening. (7) ...

Agent: Well, there's a flight from Heathrow at 8.30 on Friday morning.

Ben: What other place could we fly from? (8) ...

Agent: From Gatwick. But there aren’t many seats left, so you must decide now. If you don't, the result will be that all the seats will be taken. (9) ...