86 Time prepositions in, on, af. in June on Thursday at 5 o’clock

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

86 Time prepositions in, on, af. in June on Thursday at 5 o’clock

Quick reference

We use in before periods of time.

• Parts of the day. I'll see you in the morning/in the afternoon/in the evening.

• Months, seasons. I’m going to Spain in July. She’s having a holiday in (the) autumn.

• Years, decades and centuries.

He died in 1995. I lived in France in the 1980s. What was life like in the 18th century?

• In can mean a) ’during or within a period of time’ or b) ’at the end of a period of time’, a) I got to London in three hours, b) I’ll be ready in five minutes.

We use on before particular days and dates.

• Days and dates. I’ll phone you on Monday. On my birthday I went to London.

We ’re having a party on New Year’s Day. I arrive on April 2nd.

• Parts of days/dates. Come on Tuesday morning. He left on the evening of June 6th.

We use at before exact times.

• Clock times. The bus leaves at 9.30. We have lunch at about 12.30.

• Words meaning a time of day. She works at night. I eat at midday. Come at lunchtime.

• With beginning, start, end and time, moment.

I'll see you at the beginning of the week. I cried at the end of the film.

I'm very busy at the moment. I lived in London in 1992 - at that time I loved city life.

• Public holidays/festivals. I play squash at the weekend. I’m going to Rome at Easter.

We don’t use in, on or at before the words every, next, this, last + a time word.

The exams start next Monday. I’m not going to work this morning.

1 Danny Jones wants to go to the ESA. He is talking to a travel agent. Read the dialogue and think of the word (in, at or on) which best fits each space.

Danny: I’m thinking of going to New England (1) ... August.

Travel agent: I wouldn’t go (2) ... the summer, if I were you. I’d go now (3) ... spring. The countryside’s beautiful (4) ... April and May. I can arrange flights and accommodation.

Danny: Um, I’ve got a week off work (5) ... Easter. I could go then. I finish work (6) ... April 7th.

Travel agent: Well, there’s a flight to Boston (7) ... Friday, April 8th.

Danny: What time does it leave?

Travelagent: (8) ... 15.15.

Danny: So it gets to Boston late (9) ... night.

Travel agent: No, there’s a five-hour time difference. It arrives in Boston (10) ... the early evening, (11) ... 17.40 local time.

Danny: Well, it’s March 24th today. Can you arrange everything (12) ... two weeks?

Travel agent: No problem, sir. If you tell me the kind of hotel you want, I can send you all the details (13) ... three days.

2 Helen is studying Spanish in Barcelona. She is writing to her mother. Complete her postcard, using in, on, at or no word at all.

Dear Mum,

(1) ... the moment the weather here is beautiful. I’m sitting on a beach that was constructed (2) ... 1992 (3) ... It’s Saturday, and I don’t have any classes (4) ... Saturdays, so I thought I’d write you a card.

I have Spanish lessons (5) ... every day and (6) ... Wednesday evenings. (7) ... the evenings I usually eat at a restaurant, and (8) ... last Thursday I went with Miguel, my Spanish boyfriend, to a restaurant where Picasso used to eat with his friends (9) ... the 1930s. We were still eating our first course (10) ... midnight! We only arrived at the restaurant (11) ... 11.00! In Spain everybody eats late (12) ... the evening.

(13) ... the weekends I often play tennis, and (14) ... last weekend Miguel and I went to Sitges, a lovely resort just south of Barcelona.

Well, I arrived here (15) ... June 30th and it’s already July 23rd. I'II be home (16) ... two weeks. So I’ll see you at the airport (17) ... midday (18) ... August 8th.

Love, Helen.

3 Look at the information and answer the questions, using in, at or on.

1 When was James born?

2 When was Alison born?

3 When was Ryan born?

4 When was Chris born?

4 Write sentences about yourself.

a) Write four sentences, using the time preposition in.

Example: / was born in 1985.

b) Write three sentences, using the time preposition on.

Example: It's my birthday on June 5rd.

c) Write three sentences, using the time preposition at.

Example: I get up at 7 o'clock.

d) Write three sentences using the words every, last, and next + a time word.

Example: I have a shower every morning.

Check your answers with a teacher.