Can / can’t

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Can / can’t



1 Look at the picture and write the names of the children.

1 Jack can't sing.

2 Claire can stand on her head.

3 Paul can’t juggle.

4 Sue can play the piano.

5 Liam can juggle.

6 Kylie can’t stand on her head.

7 Janice can’t play the piano.

8 Oliver can sing.


2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

I can’t eat ice cream.

I can’t play my computer game.

I can’t walk.

I can't talk.

I can't climb the tree.

I can’t eat pizza.


3 Put the words in order to make questions.

1 you I swim I can

Can you swim?

2 speak I you I can I French

3 English I your I speak I father I can

4 horse / you / can / a / ride

5 you I can I on I your I hands I walk

6 guitar I play I you I the I can

7 head I can I your I stand / on / you

8 ten I can I cities I the / of / you I English I say / names

4 Write your answers to the questions in 3.