Present simple

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Present simple


You use the present simple to talk about things you often do and things you like.



1 Find 15 verbs (↑ ↓ ← →). Write them.


1 watch

2 … - 15 …

2 Underline the correct options.

1 We watch I watches TV in the evening.

2 My father like I likes music.

3 I love I loves computer games.

4 You buy I buys a lot of CDs.

5 Pauline go I goes to a good school.

6 Alex climb I climbs trees.

7 They go I goes to the cinema on Fridays.

8 My dog play I plays football!

3 Complete with the He I She I It forms.


4 Complete the text with the verbs in the box.
















Lady Grey’s cat, Pepper, 1leaves the house. It 2 ... to the park. It 3... the birds in the park. Then, two dogs 4... Pepper. Pepper 5... away and 6... a tree. Pepper 7... in the tree. The dogs 8... under the tree. They 9... for Pepper.

Lady Grey 10... . She 11... the dogs on the nose with her umbrella. The dogs 12... away. Lady Grey 13... Pepper up. They 14... home.

5 Write the verbs in the correct form.


6 Put the pictures in the correct order to tell a story.


7 Complete the text with the missing letters. Use the pictures in 6 to help you.

Every Monday, Lady Grey 1 goes shopping. Today is Monday - so, Lady Grey 2I ... the house and 3 w...into town. Pepper is in her basket - Pepper 4I ... going shopping! They 5 g... to the supermarket. Lady Grey 6 b... a lot of things.

Lady Grey7 I... the supermarket. She 8 s... . It’s raining! Lady Grey 9I... in the basket for her umbrella - but it isn’t there. It’s in the house.

Pepper 10 j... out of the basket and 11 the house. Lady Grey 12 w...outside the supermarket. Pepper 13 g...into the house. He 14 p...up the umbrella and 15 to the supermarket.

Lady Grey is very happy. And Pepper is happy too - Lady Grey gives him fish for dinner, his favourite food!

8 Put the verbs in their correct form.

My friend the bird-watcher

My friend Peter’s got an interesting hobby. He 1watches (watch) birds.

On Sunday morning, he 2... (get up) very early. He 3... (eat) his breakfast, then he 4... (take) his binoculars and 5... (leave) the house.

He 6... (walk) in the park or he 7... (go) into the woods. He 8... (climb) into a tree and he 9... (sit) there. He 10... (look) around with his binoculars. Sometimes he 11... (wait) for hours and hours!

When a special bird 12... (arrive), Peter’s very happy. He 13... (write) the name of the bird in his book. Then he 14... (go) home for lunch.

Peter really 15... (like) his hobby. What do you think about it?