Adverbs of frequency

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Adverbs of frequency

(never, sometimes, often, usually, always)


1 Look at the key and the table and then decide if the sentences are T (True) or F (False).


2 Use the chart in 1 to complete the sentences.

1 Sam ... plays tennis on Fridays.

2 Sam ... has pizza with Jack.

3 Sam ... goes shopping in the evenings.

4 Sam ... goes to the cinema with Jack.

5 Sam ... does homework on Fridays.

6 Sam ... plays tennis with Jack.

7 Sam ... goes shopping on Fridays.

8 Sam … play s tennis in the evening.

3 Put the words in order. Use short forms.

Why I love Fridays.

1 am /I / happy I always — I’m always happy.

2 I homework / do / never

3 pizza/usually/mum/dinner/cooks/My/for

4 too / We / have / ice cream / sometimes

5 go / shopping I school I sometimes I after /I

6 football / My /I / often I friends I and I play

7 bored I We I are / never

8 We / are / weekend / about / excited / always /the

4 Read the sentences. Correct the ones with mistakes.


A week in the life of Rebecca Rich

1 On Mondays, often she goes shopping. X

On Mondays, she often goes shopping.

2 On Tuesdays, she often washes her dogs. ✓

3 On Wednesdays, she always is hot.

4 On Thursdays, she sees usually her friends.

5 On Fridays, she sometimes plays sport.

6 On Saturday nights, she is never at home.

7 On Sundays, she eats often in the best restaurant.

8 She always is bored.

5 Rewrite the sentences. Put in the adverb of frequency.

1 I’m late to school. (never)

I’m never late to school.

2 Dad watches TV in the evenings. (often)

3 The children are tired after school. (sometimes)

4 We wash the car Sunday. (always)

5 She’s bored at the weekend. (usually)

6 My sister eats carrots. (never)

7 I do my homework before dinner. (usually)

8 It’s cold in December. (always)

6 Complete the sentences with an adverb of frequency to make them true for you.

1 I'm ... bored in the school holidays.

2 I ... shout at my friends.

3 I ... spend a lot of time on my homework.

4 I’m ... hungry when I get up.

5 I ... watch TV after school.

6 I ... eat junk food at the weekend.

7 I’m ... happy on a Monday.

8 I ... read a newspaper in the morning