Present simple questions and short answers

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Present simple questions and short answers


To form questions use do or does.

Use do with I, you, we, they.

Use does with he, she and it.

Do not use do or does with be questions.

With yes or no, use short answers.


1 Underline the correct words.

1 Do I Does he live in London?

2 Do / Does they like peas?

3 Do / Does your mum speak German?

4 Do / Does Nigel and Tim want to go to the cinema?

5 Do / Does the shop open at 10 am?

6 Do / Does your parents like rock music?

7 Do I Does the film finish before 10 pm?

8 Do / Does you like blue?

2 Match the questions and the answers.


3 Write the answers.

1 Do you like broccoli? (X)

No, I don’t.

2 Does Anne go to your school? (✓)

3 Does Tim play football well? (✓)

4 Do they buy their own clothes? (X)

5 Do you know Evan? (✓)

6 Does your mum take you to school? (X)

7 Do Jane and Fred like the Beatles? (✓)

8 Does Lillian eat meat? (X)

4 Complete the dialogue with do, does, don't or doesn't.


5 Look at the pictures and write questions and the answers.


6 Put the words in order to make questions.

1 opera / do / like I you

Do you like opera?

2 meat I eat I you I do

3 clothes / do / wear I you I red

4 tennis / do / play / you

5 cook I does I your I father

6 English I your I friend I does I speak I best

7 friends I your I same I all I school / go / to / do / the

8 headmaster / name / know / does / your / your

7 Write your answers to the questions in 6.