Question words (What, Where, How often)

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Question words (What, Where, How often)

What, where and how are question words.

We don't answer these questions with yes or no.

We answer these questions giving some new information.

What does your dog eat?

Where does your dog sleep?

How often does your dog have a bath?

1 Write the words in the correct order.

1 your I what I name I is

What is your name?

2 do / live I where I you


3 often / do / how I come here I you


4 eat I hamsters I what I do


5 go I you I how / do / to the cinema I often


6 pet snake I you / do / keep I your I where


2 Complete the questions.

A 1How are you?

В I’m fine, thanks.

A 2... ’s your name?

В Alison.

A 3... do you live?

В In Birmingham.

A 4... pets have you got?

В A hamster and two white mice.

A 5... do they live?

В In a cage in my room.


A 6... do you feed them?

В Every day.

A 7... do they eat?

В Special pet food.

A 8... do they leave the cage?

В Three times a week — but don’t tell my mum!

3 Write your answers to the questions.

1 What pets have you got?

I’ve got.

2 Where do you live?

3 What clothes do you wear to school?

4 Where does your best friend live?

5 How often do you eat fish?

6 How often do you go to the cinema?