Like (doing)

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Like (doing)

We use like, love, don't like, hate + the -ing form of the verb to talk about what we like or don't like doing.

Samantha doesn't like reading but she likes listening to music.

James likes running but he doesn't like swimming.


1 Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1 My brother loves listening to music. (listen)

2 My sister doesn’t like ... . (sing)

3 All of us like ... . (read)

4 Our cat likes ... trees. (climb)

5 I don’t like ... television. (watch)

6 My mother and father like ... . (dance)

7 Do you like ... shopping?. (go)

8 I love ... photographs. (take)

2 Look at the information. Write sentences about the people.



1 Pete loves reading. He likes swimming but he doesn’t like talking on the phone. He hates shopping!

2 Sarah ...

3 Andy and Sue ...

3 Now write about yourself. Write about the things 2. Then say four other things you love I like I don’t like I hate doing!

I ... going shopping.

I ... reading.

I ... swimming.

I ... talking on the phone.

I love ...

I like ...

I don’t like ...

I hate ...