Present continuous

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Present continuous


Use the present continuous to talk about things happening now.

We form the present continuous with am I is I are + the -ing form of the verb.


1 Write the sentences under the pictures.

Gillie is calling her dad.

Gillie is watching a DVD.

There’s mum — she’s looking for her key!

Someone is knocking on the window.

Gillie is walking to the window.

Dad is having a shower.


2 Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the box below.


he doing


doing a sport

He’s trying

playing football


a picture in a book

a karate suit

are dancing

Look at Tony’s family. Today they're all doing sports. Becky and mum are doing

1... . Dad's wearing 2 ... . He’s looking at 3... and he’s learning

4... . Jake is outside in the garden. He’s

5... . Fluffy and Spotty, the two cats,

6... . Look at Floyd, the snake. What's

7...? No, he isn’t 8... .

9... to get some chocolate.

3 Circle the correct answer.

1 They isn’t I aren’t having a gymnastics lesson at the moment.

2 I’m not I aren’t doing my homework right now.

3 Are you enjoying I enjoy the party?

4 The cats aren’t I isn’t sleeping on the bed.

5 is / Are Gemma watching TV?

6 We isn't I aren't playing basketball today.

7 Is / Are you making a sandwich?

8 Alice isn't talking I talk to Diana at the moment.

4 Make the sentences negative.

1 We’re watching TV.

2 They’re swimming.

3 I’m keeping fit at the moment.

4 Susan is learning karate.

5 Jane and Tim are trying to do gymnastics.

6 John’s playing tennis with his friend.

7 I’m listening to my CDs.

8 They’re singing a song.

5 Complete the questions and the short answers with the correct form of be.

1 A ... you having your lunch now?

В Yes, I ... .

Phone me again tonight.

2 A ... your mum cooking?

В No, she ... . Dad's making lunch today.

3 A ... your brother learning to drive?

В No, he ... . He’s only I 6.

4 A ... you waiting for me?

В No, I ... . I'm waiting for Alan.

5 A ... James winning the race?

В Yes, he ... . He’s a really good runner.

6 A ... your parents watching TV?

В No, they ... . So we can watch a DVD now, OK?

7 A ... I sitting in your place?

В Yes, you ... . But it’s OK!

8 A ... you and your sister learning to ski?

В Yes, we ... . And we’re getting better!

6 Complete the sentences with am, is or are. Use short forms where possible.


7 Complete the answers.

1 A Where's John?

В He's playing football with his friends. (play)

2 A Where are Tony and Nick?

В ... to music. (listen)

3 A What's Thomas doing?

В ... TV. (watch)

4 A Let’s go to the cinema.

В Sorry, I can't ... my homework. (do)

5 A Can we talk now?

В Sure. ... anything important. (not do)

6 A Is Polly in the park?

В Yes. ... her bicycle. (ride)

7 A Let's go for a walk.

В Good idea. ... (not rain)

8 A Why doesn't Paula answer the teacher?

В Because ...! (not listen)