Present simple vs. present continuous

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Present simple vs. present continuous

Use the present simple for habitual actions.

Use the present continuous for actions happening right now.


1 Present simple or Present continuous? Write PS or PC.

1 I practise yoga every day. ...

2 They’re running to catch the bus... ...

3 We’re going to a football match. ...

4 She often goes to the gym after school. ...

5 Are you watching the news? ...

6 He never listens to the radio. ...

2 Tick the correct sentences.


1 □ I feed the cat every day.

□ I’m feeding the cat every day.

2 □ They're eating strawberry ice cream right now.

□ They eat a strawberry ice cream right now.

3 □ She works in the garden every weekend.

□ She works in the garden at the moment.

3 □ It’s sleeping at the moment.

□ It’s sleeping every afternoon.

4 □ He’s writing an article now.

□ He writes an article now.

5 □ Are you going out tonight?

□ Do you go out tonight?

3 Circle the correct answer.


1 Mum! The telephone rings I 's ringing! Can you answer it? I watch / 'm watching television.

2 Mary writes I is writing emails every day. Today she writes I 's writing to her friend Samantha.

3 Paul goes I 's going to see his grandparents today. He travels I 's travelling by train.

4 My mum and I go I 're going shopping every Saturday. Usually we buy I ’re buying clothes or books.

5 I go / 'm going to the cinema once a week. My brother usually goes I 's going with me.

6 My sister reads I 's reading three books every week. At the moment, she reads I 's reading a book about horses.

7 This is a great party. All my friends dance I ’re dancing and we have I re having a good time.

8 Gail and Sarah play I are playing football at the moment. But Andrea doesn’t like I isn’t liking football so she doesn’t play I isn’t playing with them.

4 Circle the correct answer.


5 Complete the dialogues. Write the verbs in the present simple or present continuous form.

1 A Have you got a pet?

В Yes, a crocodile. It ... in a big pond in my garden. (live)

2 A Is Peter doing his homework?

В No, he isn’t. He ... computer games. (play)


3 A ... you and Kate ... an instrument? (play)

В No, we don’t. We ... in a band. (sing)

4 A Are you reading?

В No, I’m not. I ... my homework. (do)

5 A ... you ... TV? (watch)

В Yes, I am. It's a great film!

6 A Does Sandra wear dresses?

В No, never. She always ... jeans. (wear)

6 Complete the dialogue. Write the verbs in the present simple or present continuous form.

Paul Hi, Helen. Where 1are you going? (go)

Helen To my karate class. I 2... (do) karate every Friday afternoon.

Paul Cool! 3... you ... (wear) special clothes for karate?

Helen Yes — white trousers and a white shirt.

Paul Yes, of course. I 4... (know) that! Silly me.

Helen It’s OK. 5... you ... (play) any sports, Paul?

Paul Yes — football, of course. But at the moment I 6... (learn) to ski, too.

Helen Really? But we live in London — you can’t ski here!

Paul No — but my dad 7... (go) to Switzerland every January. And he says that I can with him next year.

Helen Brilliant!