Past simple – was / were

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Past simple – was / were


This is how we use the verb to be in the past.


1 Write the days of the week under the pictures.

1 On Monday I was in Paris.

2 On Tuesday Mike and Henry were in Paris.

3 On Wednesday Paul was in Pisa.

4 On Thursday we were in Pisa.

5 On Friday Julia was in Sydney.

6 On Saturday they were in Sydney.


2 Where were these people yesterday afternoon? Write sentences using the words in the box to help you.

in the garden

on a pond

at the cinema

on the farm

in a field

at a concert

in bed

at school


1 Ben was in bed.

2 June and Simon ...

3 Mrs Gladstone ...

4 Kevin and Lucy ...

5 Mr Thomas ...

6 May and Annabel ...

7 Liam and Fred ...

8 Tina ...

3 Answer the questions about the people in 2. Use short answers.

1 Was Ben at the cinema?

No, he was’nt.

2 Were June and Simon on a farm?

3 Was Mrs Gladstone in bed?

4 Were Kevin and Lucy at school?

5 Was Mr Thomas at the cinema?

6 Were May and Annabel at a concert?

7 Were Liam and Fred on a pond?

8 Was Tina in a field?

4 Read the story and underline the correct words.

It was 9 p.m. and Simon 1 was I were home. He 2 was I were a bit nervous. The front door to his house 3 was I were open and all the lights 4 was I were on. The kitchen 5 was I were very messy. There 6 was I were coats on the floor and there 7was I were dirty cups on the table. The door to the living room 8 wasn’t I weren’t open. Simon 9 wasn’t I weren’t nervous now, he 10 was I were scared. Call the police. Where 11 was I were his phone? Oh no. It 12 wasn’t I weren’t in his coat. It 13 was / were in his bedroom. 14 Was I Were that a noise from behind the living room door? There 15 was I were another noise. Eeeeeeeeeek.

The door 16 was I were now open. The lights 17 wasn’t I weren’t on in the living room. It 18 was I were dark. Get in the car and drive to the police! Where 19 was I were his car keys? They 20 wasn’t I weren’t in his coat. They 21 was I were in the bedroom too. Suddenly there 22 was I were a big flash. The lights in the living room 23 was I were on. There 24 was I were lots of people. They 25 was I were all his friends - ’Surprise’. It 26 was I were a party, a surprise party for him. Simon 27 was I were confused. Today 28 wasn’t I weren’t his birthday. His birthday 29 was I were tomorrow!

5 Make the sentences negative.

1 I was happy yesterday.

I wasn’t happy yesterday.

2 Nigel was hungry this morning.

3 Mum and dad were at work this morning.

4 They were excited about my birthday.

5 We were ill this year.

6 I was at home yesterday at 6 p.m.

7 It was very hot in Spain.

8 The party was fun.

6 Complete the dialogue with was, were, wasn't or weren't.

Inspector Where 1were you at 8 p.m. yesterday?

Mr Green I 2... at home with my wife.

Inspector At home.

Mr Green Yes, we 3... in the living room.

Inspector And 4... your children with you?

Mr Green Julia 5... She 6... at a friend's house.

Inspector And Brian? 7... he at home?

Mr Green Yes, Brian 8... at home. He 9... in his bedroom.

Inspector What about the maid and the cook? Where 10... they?

Mr Green I don’t know. But they 11... in the house.

Inspector How do you know that?


Mr Green Because they don’t work here on Saturdays.

Inspector But yesterday 12... Sunday.

Mr Green Oh, yes, of course.

Inspector And the cook 13... in the kitchen at 8 p.m. She says you 14... in the garage at 8 p.m. — in. the garage where the body 15... .

Mr Green It 16... my wife. It 17... me!

Inspector Interesting. She says it 18... you. Please come with me to the police station, Mr Green.

7 Put the words in order to make questions.

1 yesterday I bored / you / Were?

Were you bored yesterday?

2 were I Where I you / at / 8 p.m. I yesterday?

3 Sunday I you I afternoon I were I Who I with I on ...?

4 morning I you / at / Where I 8 a.m. I were I this ...?

5 friend I your I yesterday I best I Was I happy ...?

6 school I Were / at / afternoon I yesterday I you ...?

8 Answer the questions in about you.


No, I wasn’t. I was excited. It was my sister’s birthday.

1 ...

2 ...

3 ...

4 ...

5 ...

6 ...